Darcy and Core Anne

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After the next day arrived, the sun rose over the horizon on Amphibia, the skies are blue and clean. Anne and Marcy were still laying in bed together, holding each other in the other's arms. The two held each other close to another and got comfortable.

Marcy then woke up, she rubbed her eyes and turned her head, she saw the sun rising and it's rays hitting her skin. Marcy turns her head and looked down upon her sleeping girlfriend. Anne's arm was around Marcy's waist.

Marcy smiles, she strokes her hair back and placed a soft kiss on Anne's forehead. Marcy is happy she has Anne as a girlfriend, she cannot believe that the first childhood friend she made is her soulmate, she and Anne will live happy lives together.

Marcy then laid back down and cupped Anne's cheeks, she strokes it gently as she placed a soft kiss on Anne's lips. Marcy felt her heart flutter, she then parted the kiss with a blush on her face. She gently shakes Anne to wake her up.

"Wakey, Wakey, Anne." Marcy said softly. Anne groans awake, she opened her eyes to see Marcy staring at her. Anne sits up as she stretch out. "Good morning, Marcy." Anne said. Marcy sits up and kissed Anne's cheek and holds her hand.

"Good morning, Anne." Marcy said. Anne smiles, she was just staring at the beautiful girl in front of her. "You're so beautiful, Mar-Mar." Anne said with a blush on her face. Marcy's eyes widen, a blush appeared on her face as a small giggle escaped her mouth.

"Y-You're beautiful too, Anne." Marcy said. Marcy then went on top of Anne and wrapped her arms around her. "Anne... I Love You... I Love You So Much... Your my everything... Your everything I could have hoped for..." Marcy said while hugging Anne.

She tightened her hug and buried her face in Anne's hair, embracing the softest and warmth of Anne's hair. "Anne... You're hair is so soft, so warm and so comfy." Marcy said while snuggling in Anne's soft and warm and comfy and cozy hair.

Anne blushes, she then smiles and chuckled, she hugged Marcy tightly while rubbing her back. The two break the hug and get dressed, Marcy dons her old Amphibia outfits with her cape, chest plate and shirt fixed after she was stabbed.

Anne dons her outfit and chest plate while donning her extra set of shoes, good thing her parents packed her extra shoes. The two exited the bathroom, they held hands and exited Marcy's bedroom and walked down the hallway of the castle.

As they were walking, they see the wires and tentacles be token down as the castle looks to be under reconstruction after the invasion. "Wow, Anne! Their really fixing everything after what happened... With... The Core..." Marcy said while recalling her memories within The Core.

Anne then tuned her head, she looked at Marcy and saw her expression, she smiles, she cupped Marcy's cheeks and stroked it. "Marcy... You don't have to be scared anymore. The Core is gone, it will no longer hurt you... I'm here." Anne said.

Marcy smiles, she then hugged Anne tightly and let's the tears out, they streamed down her face onto Anne's shoulder. "Anne... I'm so happy that I have you as a friend... You're honestly the best thing that has ever happened to a person like me... I Love You..." Marcy said tearfully.

Anne blushed at the response, a smile appeared on Anne's face, she hugged back and embraced Marcy. "I Love You Too, Marcy... I'm always here for you when you need me." Anne said. Marcy smiles, she tightened her hug with Anne.

The two broke the hug and continued their way down the hall...

Meanwhile... In The Core's hivemind...

The Minds of The Core were planning their next move, they managed to escape into Marcy's mind without her knowledge, they were unsure of what to do with Marcy. The Minds of The Core sat at their roundtable with Amphibia lettering around the table in orange with orange lins going through with an orange eye in the center.

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