chapter 4

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two worlds apart - chapter 4


After Iris had successfully stuffed her face to the best of her ability at dinner time, it was safe to say she won't be eating again tonight. She thought.

Walking around Hogwarts at night was always a fear of Iris's. She hated the dark and wandering around cold and quiet hallways did not make that easier for her. As she was walking down the hallway she encountered many strange scenes. students sneaking about and ghosts parading around the hallways. Peeves was also a big worry for her, one time in her 2nd year the ghost had terrorised her when she was on route to the kitchens. The ghost would say rude remarks to her and tease her for eating so much. It wasn't the blue eyed girls' fault that she had such a big love for eating, it was obvious that anyone would find it so strange that a girl of her size could eat so much but to Iris's dismay she did not let it get to her.

After walking for an insane amount of time she thought, she finally reached her destination; the Astronomy tower. She had always had a strong liking for the study of stars, constellations were her favourite thing to study. When Betty had revealed to her that Astronomy would not be one of the classes she would be taking in 4th year Iris didn't see it as a reason to drop out as well, she knew the pair needed time to themselves to keep their friendship strong and with them both taking a separate class she saw it as a opportunity for their time apart.

Walking up the stairs seemed never ending, countless students from her class overtook her on the steps but that only made her slow down more. Once she finally reached the top of the tower, she realised that class had already started. This was a flaw of Iris, she never realised the importance of time. Ever since she started Hogwarts she had many teacher complaints on how she was late the majority of the time. Although she was never drastically late, only it being 3-5 minutes. With taking a deep breath she opened the door just to be met with students who were sat with their assigned partners at their desks and Professor Sinistra swiftly turning her head from where she sat and rolling her eyes and letting a laugh with a small smile at the girl.

"Ah Miss Bellwood, I thought you would be arriving anytime now" The Professor said with a smile

Aurora Sinistra was one of Iris's favourite teacher at Hogwarts, the teacher admired the young girls infatuation with Astronomy and frequently gave the girl extra lessons to help with her getting a better understanding last year.

"Apologies Professor, I was" The girl paused abruptly, not knowing what accuse to give to Aurora this time "Yeah, I've got nothing this time" Iris said with defeat

"Very well Iris. Please take a seat by Mr Malfoy" The woman said while showing her hand towards the desk that Draco Malfoy sat at

It was very clear that Draco wasn't happy with his pairing, as was Iris. She slowly made her way to the desk, taking note that Draco had left her the seat that was by the wall. She liked sitting next to the wall as she could take naps against it without it being noticeable. She swiftly sat down next to the boy and unpacked her books from her bags, giving him a small smile whilst fixing her hair and making sure her hair looked presentable.

It was very clear to everyone that Iris and Draco weren't the best of friends. But Iris still would make kind gestures to the boy.

"Now, I want everyone to work with their respected partners throughout this school year. Now your assignment will be to research famous constellations and know the myths behind them. By the end of the assignment I expect all of you to have a good understanding of the constellations and I also want a 3 page essay about said assignment. And let me be clear, all of this work is to be done strictly with your partners, notes can be taken in your own spare time but the assignment itself is partner work only." Professor Sinistra announced to the class, receiving groans and sighs from most students of the class. "In this lesson you will work with your partner to build a plan on when you will work together outside of lessons for the assignment, maybe even try to get to know each other better"

With the Professor finishing her announcement and letting the students get on with their work, Iris turned her head to face Draco. The boy held a concentrated but intriguing look on his face

"So, what days are best for you?" Iris asked the boy, wanting to at least start a conversation to ease the awkwardness.

"Mondays after 12:00 and Fridays all day" He said, answering her question straight away

"That works great for me actually, Friday is my free day too, well it's not supposed to be but i think a free day allows me to keep a straight mind for my education. But on Mondays i can meet only after 2:00. It would be 12:00 but Betty and I do this thing, you see everyday Monday after lessons we-" Iris was cut off by Draco quickly

"Okay Bellwood I get it, girl time is very important to you. But can we please focus on the grand scheme of things, like making our schedule please for the love of god" He complained ending with a sigh

"Sorry" Was all Iris replied with feeling discouraged by the boy lashing out at her so suddenly. Iris knew how to take Draco's remarks at her not to heart, but this time she couldn't help but feel herself lose self confidence when the boy said that

"Right" Draco said with a sigh noticing how the girl reacted "I think the library will be a good place for us to meet, I know a spot where is secluded from everyone else. Gives me a better chance of not being seen" He stated, not giving Iris anytime to object

"Sounds good Malfoy, yeah can't bloody wait" The girl said unenthusiastically displaying a sarcastic smile and two thumbs up


After Iris and Draco's first of many encounters in Astronomy, the class had ended quite shortly after their talk which left Iris feeling...well she didn't really know herself

"It was so weird Betty, I most definitely didn't expect him to be nice to me but he's never this mean to me. You know?" Iris was now confiding in her best friend, Betty. The two were in Iris' bed in their pyjamas eating sweets they had gathered from their numerous Hogsmeade trips.

"On a real note Izzy, no. I have no bloody idea what you are on about" Betty said while opening a chocolate frog for the pair to share "You're kidding me, Dumbledore again" She said with a sigh throwing the playing card to the floor

"Do you ever think he can be good?" Iris questioned Betty

"I've never really thought about it. He definitely has the potential to but its whether he does. I think he could do with the help of someone else. I do feel for the guy at times though, having a father so overbearing like his must be hell" She answered the girl

"Me too, I remember seeing him at the World Cup. It looked like his dad was so controlling on how he perceived himself" Iris said while opening a box of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans

"Well we'll just have to wait and see. But Izz as much as I enjoy our talks I'm going to love you and leave you. And promise me you will go to sleep straight away" She said while hugging the girl goodnight

"You know I try Betts, but yes goodnight i love you" She said with a sigh preparing herself for hours of staying awake

"Love you too Izz" Betty said walking to her own bed and closing the curtains around her

As Iris laid in her bed, her thoughts consumed her. Maybe if what Betty said was true, maybe Draco did need the help of someone else. So, as Iris laid there she ultimately made it her goal for her to help change Draco Malfoy.

A/N: Hello! It's been long since a chapter has been published but I did promise you an update so here it is! it is a filler chapter but I really enjoyed exploring Iris and Draco's relationship and the start of it. Buckle up! it's going to be a bumpy ride *mischievously rubs hands together*. But i do have a round of chemotherapy on Friday so I'm not sure when another chapter will come up. Thank you for all of your patience

all my love kathryn <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09 ⏰

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