chapter 2

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two worlds apart - chapter 2


"No Fleetwood Mac is way better than them" Iris stated as she tried to knock some sense into Betty who was trying to convince her that Blondie was better. This was an ongoing debate for the two girls as the pair adored both bands but could never decide which one was better

"But Blondie sings our favourite song" Betty whines trying to convince the girl. Betty had recently followed Iris in changing her hairstyle and had now chosen to let her hair be up in a messy but neat bun with strands of her falling out which complimented the girl's face exceptionally. 

"Touché" Iris said giving in to Betty as she agreed with the girl to make her happy. Though Iris didn't show that she still thought Fleetwood Mac was exceptionally better. She still thought it.

Iris and Betty had managed to find a carriage to themselves like they did every year, avoiding all the first years. The atmosphere inside the carriage was calm and was approved by the girls, minus the occasional 1st year coming to pester the two girls.  The train ride had been good so far, Iris thought back to her first train ride to Hogwarts and how scared she was, she would never imagine acting the way the 1st years do now; disrespecting older years and being fairly rude to them, almost cocky in a way. 

A short silence occurred between the pair and Iris's mind drifted back to the events that happened at the Quidditch World Cup almost two weeks ago. Iris had been worried sick thinking about if the others made it out safe and was hoping to track them down on the train ride. Iris wasn't too sure about what happened or who the people who started the chaos at the game were but she didn't like to think about it too much.

Iris now feeling upset and worried decided to go for a walk along the train to the bathroom, hoping to find her friends along the way to put her mind at ease

"I'm just going to pop to the bathroom Betts, won't be long" Iris announced as she got up from her chair by the window of the train where she would occasionally draw on the glass when it would steam up from her breath. 

While Iris walked down the carriage she would attempt to scan inside the carriages to spot her friends, she had managed to find Ginny, Fred and George luckily but had yet to see Harry, Ron and Hermione. Along her way she greeted her friends from other houses and passed the trolley that held heaps of food and Iris had to hold back everything in her to buy half of the selection. The noise of the 1st years screaming and shouting was overwhelming but was good enough to put up with. She eventually reached the end of one part of the train and ended by the designated toilets for it

"If it isn't Iris Bellwood" Draco sneered as he passed Iris, probably on his way back to his compartment with his friends. 

"What do you want, Draco?" Iris retaliated back trying to get the blonde boy to leave her be so she could go to the bathroom with no worries of him playing a prank on her while she was in the cubicle

"Is it a crime to greet people these days?" Draco questioned

"Well of course not. But coming from your nature it most certainly is" Iris said while giving the boy a death stare 

Draco didn't bother giving the girl a reply, he simply walked away in defeat making Iris  feel better that she finally got the Malfoy boy off of her back. Iris knew that Draco went to his best abilities to wind her up and make her feel out of place but 99% of the time it didn't bother Iris as they didn't mean anything. Only when Draco would insult her for her being a Halfblood would hurt a piece of the girl. 

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