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 two worlds apart - prolouge 


[ for anyone confused this chapter is set in the 

first year but the book starts in 4th year:)]

Iris had never felt so nervous in her entire life, from the moment she stepped on the train she could feel her hands starting to feel clammy

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Iris had never felt so nervous in her entire life, from the moment she stepped on the train she could feel her hands starting to feel clammy. The sharp movements from the train were making her feel unsteady, sha hated trains with a passion. Iris was clinging onto a door handle of an occupied carriage full of what it looked like 5th years, once she felt like it was safe enough to let go Iris shakingly let go of the handle and started to search for a carriage herself.

Strolling through the train looking for a carriage that had someone who looked somewhat bearable to sit with for the duration of the train ride was becoming quite the task. Everywhere she looked there was either an intimidating upper year student or a 1st year student who was already accompanied by a group of friends, but Iris wasn't going to give up just yet. Finally after quite some time she had found a carriage that held a boy in her year with platinum blonde hair that Iris could swear was seeping with gel. The boy seemed deeply intrigued in a book that he was reading that Iris couldn't recognise at the time.

"Surely all that gel can't be good for your hair" Iris said while sliding the door open hesitantly.

The blonde haired boy looked up to the girl from the book he was engaged in and stared at her with subtle eyes. Iris was captivated by his grey eyes that immediately stood out as he analysed the girl. He looked her up and down with a hint of disgust plastering his face when he reached her hairstyle, Iris thought two pigtails were in fashion or so her mum said. 

"And who might you be?" he asked without hesitation setting his book down making sure he recorded the page.

"What happened to friendly greetings these days?" she said to herself under her breath "If you must know I'm Iris Bellwood, it's a pleasure to meet you" she said proudly with an open hand patiently waiting for the grey-eyed boy to shake. The boy made it seem like he was baffled from the gesture of Iris

"You really think I'll shake your hand? my father warned me all about you Bellwood's" He spat while getting up from seat and making sure he bumped iris's shoulder when exiting the carriage. 

What an odd boy  Iris thought to herself while she stayed put in the carriage thinking about the strange interaction she had just had with the boy. As she went to take her seat in the carriage she noticed the boy left his book on the seat. The book looked in great condition and as she mesmerised the book she found the name to be 'The Pure-Blood Directory'. The more Iris analysed the book the more she was dumbfounded on how an 11 year old can be reading a ghastly book like this. Iris being intrigued to know his name she began to open the book to look for some sort of identification. As she scrolled through the pages she came across an Id card that displayed the boys name. 

Draco Malfoy

Once Iris read the name she immediately knew why the boy had so rudely shut her off and was taking this book with him to Hogwarts. Yvette and Trevor Bellwood had told Iris about the Malfoys prior to her enrolling in Hogwarts, they were pureblood supremacists and so called 'bad news'. Of course Iris didn't like to believe what she heard from her parents was true but now experiencing the encounter with Malfoy she dreaded that the facts were true. 


Meanwhile on the other end of the train Draco Malfoy was heard bragging to his new friends  about how he had turned away his first non pureblood, to say he was proud was an understatement. His father had continuously made sure Draco knew that befriending a student that wasn't a pureblood was frowned upon. Draco had entered the train with a strong mindset that he would live up to his fathers expectations throughout his school year. 


Once the sorting hat ceremony was wrapped up and dinner began Iris had managed to find a friends within her new house Hufflepuff called Betty Driscoll. Betty was beautiful for her age, she wore round gold framed tortoise glasses that sat comfortably on her button nose. She had red hair that was extremely curly which Iris admired as she thought it must be challenging to take care of.

"So Iris, how are you liking Hogwarts so far?" Betty questioned her 

"I love it, apart from the latest encounter I had with someone it couldn't be better" she answered with a big smile plastered on her face while piling jelly on her plate enthusiastically.

"And who was that? Not Malfoy I hope" with a small laugh escaping from her mouth unbeknownst from the words that were going to come out of Iris's mouth

"As a matter of fact it was, such a strange boy. He reminds me of this one character I used to watch on the television when I was younger he was ca-" Mid sentence Iris was cut off by Betty 

"Merlin Iris as much as I would love to hear you finish that sentence I feel as though you shouldn't. The Malfoy family are big in the wizarding world, If he somehow heard you speaking of him rudely you wouldn't hear the end of it until we finish school" she stated while giving Iris a sympathetic look

"I'm afraid my situation with Draco was destined since the day I was born Betty. I'm a half-blood you see and as you know there family act like us non purebloods are some infectious disease that no one can go near. Me ever finding peace with Draco Malfoy is the day that we've lost our minds" she told Betty while simultaneously pilling more desserts that were spread across the centre of the table onto her plate. 

"Well at least we've got each other Iris" she said with a small smile on her face while watching Iris shove the food in her mouth like there was no tomorrow, she couldn't help but laugh at her actions. 


While Iris went through her day she still held onto the book that Draco had mistakenly left in the carriage. In all honesty Iris had no intention of giving the book back to Malfoy in hopes that if the boy doesn't have the book his beliefs will wear off. Of course Iris knew this was mainly impossible with his house being Slytherin and the history of his family but in some little space in her brain Iris Bellwood hoped he would find the light in the darkness. 

Starting Hogwarts had been something her Mother and Father were looking forward to the day she was born. They strived for her to be sorted into Hufflepuff with the exception of Gryffindor being the back up house so being sorted into Hufflepuff was an achievement that Iris took very close to her.  With her past family being sorted into Hufflepuff Iris felt proud that she could carry on the tradition. 

A/N: hello my loves ! the first chapter is up, let me know on your thoughts of this. id love to know on any feedback you have :) I'm going to keep writing chapters throughout the week for the story because I'm just so excited to get things started with the book. I hope this book gave you an insight of Iris cause I know I love her already. 

also the characters in this book do not have dedicated face claims and when reading the book you do not need to stick to the description of the characters! let your imagination run free:)

all my love kathryn <3

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