chapter 1

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two worlds apart - chapter 1


"Iris come on, it's time to go" 

For the past 10 minutes, Iris had been ignoring the multiple whispers reminding her to get up. The brown-haired girl thought that maybe if she lay there long enough her best friend would eventually leave her to sleep in peace but she knew that Betty wouldn't let her miss the World Cup. The sunlight peeped through Betty's curtains making Iris feel more content in her slumber. For the hundredth time of Betty pushing Iris to get ready, the girl gave in and shot up from the makeshift bed that was made for her by Betty, beside her bed.

Betty's room was your average teenage girl's bedroom. She had a small single bed with a duvet that had white and blue stripes on it that draped over the frame of the bed. She said her own en suite that was very practical for when the girls had sleepovers which occurred lots during their summer holiday. Betty's cat Debbie had its own dedicated corner of the room with his own bed and cat palace that the two girls had made when they were in 3rd year, it consisted of uneven measurements of wood bolted together and multiple patches of fleece stuck to the flat bits to make a bed for Debbie. 

"Thank Merlin, I thought you were ignoring me for a second" Betty said to the not-so-awake girl

"Oh, I was" Iris said mid-yawn while getting up from the mattress and heading to the bathroom. 

To say the least, Betty was offended but didn't expect less of the girl, she's never been a morning person. Betty had been begging Iris to sleep early, but the brown-haired girl would not listen regardless of what Betty had said. She even tried bribing her but there was no luck.

Iris stopped by the mirror in the bathroom and examined herself while she brushed her hair thoroughly, applied toothpaste to her toothbrush, and began brushing her teeth. Over the summer of the second year, Iris had ditched her pigtails and switched to a half-up half-down look with a bow holding up her hair at the back. Throughout the year though Iris had gotten a lot of criticism for her hairstyle choices, she never noticed them. This summer Iris had finally decided to let her hair loose which made her look more mature than ever before, plus with puberty hitting her and her facial structures changing it was safe to say the girl had changed throughout summer.  

"You know Iris one day you're lack of energy in the morning is going to come back to haunt you" Betty said walking in to join Iris in the bathroom brushing her teeth. Iris and Betty had always been joined at the hip since 1st year and it wasn't a rare sight to see the girls engaging in everyday activities together. 

"Believe me Betts I know, you don't know how many times my mum goes on about when I need to get up to back to Hogwarts" Iris mumbled as she spat the toothpaste out into the sink and left Betty in the bathroom to go and get dressed

Iris took slow and steady steps into Betty's bedroom to reach her suitcase which had her essentials to stay with Betty, making sure not to wake Betty's cat up; Debbie. She carefully unbuckled the lock that kept the case together and rummaged through her clothes deciding on what to wear for the day ahead of them. 

"Yellow or Green?" Iris asked holding up two button-up shirts to go over the white top she had decided she would wear underneath. 

"Yellow definitely" Betty stated coming back into the bedroom picking out a cassette tape and dropping it onto her cassette desk. Betty's parents gifted her the cassette desk and speakers for her most recent birthday and ever since the two best friends made sure that they wouldn't let it go to waste

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