Ch.13: gonna take you there

Start from the beginning

The bell rang, and I couldn't help but feel bad when passing by those little frogs. They were about to be slaughtered. Maybe I had a sensitive heart.

We got to the courtyard and everyone was comparing their grades. Pichon joined us, nicely asking if he could see our copies. Annick and I, being quite fond of Pichon, gave it to him without a word.

« An 11 and a 12 with Hermann » he was amazed. « Unbelievable »

That's when Dupin approached us, eying Annick up and down. Creep.

« Wouldn't you want to give me a private lesson ? »

Annick scoffed, amusement on her features

« No. » she said, slightly shaking her head.

She turned back to Pichon, ignoring Dupin.

« You know what would really set him off ? If someone stole all of his frogs »

« That's an excellent idea »

« Nobody's brave enough to do that, I fear »

« If I steal all his frogs, can I get that private lesson then ? Let's say an hour »

Like I said, he could flirt with a fucking lamppost. She pretended to think about it for a moment.

« Alright, but only if you manage to steal all of his frogs »

Word quickly spread out and before you knew it, half the class was willing to try out. This was the challenge and I couldn't wait to see who would be mad enough to do it.

After our next class, I was walking with Simone and Michele debating about whether or not Elvis Presley was hot, when Pichon stopped us, specifically Michele.

« Hey, Michele, you wouldn't happen to know where your uncle keeps the keys to classrooms, would you ? » he asked.

« Are you dumb trying to put the deans niece on it ? » Dupin arrived at that moment, clearly annoyed at Pichon.

« What are you talking about ? » Michele asked, eyebrows furrowed.

« Oh no, it's starting again » Pichon just left, clearly having flashbacks.

Michele got close to Dupin, almost face to face.

« What are you saying? That because I'm the dean's niece, I'm a snitch » she asked strongly.

« Yeah » someone added coldly.

Descamps. I had never seen that look in his eye before. Pure hatred. I tried to catch his gaze but in that moment, his only target was Michele.

She scoffed and got down the stairs, quickly followed by Simone.

« Don't be like this » I muttered when I walked past him.

« Now you want to talk, Verssel? » he spat, clearly annoyed.

I turned back to him, an eyebrow raised.

« Watch your tone, Descamps »

I heard him scoff as I made my way to Pichon and Laubrac, sitting together on a bench, looking quite suspicious. Laubrac and I hadn't really talked since our disagreement, but I really missed my friend.

« Let me guess, you want to try to steal those frogs too » I started, plopping myself between them.

« Well, Henri right here is trying to convince me to help him » he pointed to Pichon, a cigarette between his pointer and middle finger.

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