2 1 1

I'm gonna work on my looks , football and dressing sense !
                                      - Jeremy
This is now Jeremy 's quote of all day  , although it is not .
...after 5years
Hey!! Look who is coming !
Oh my god he is gonna be my desert .
- Akira
Hey ! Jeremy  what's  going on ?
Before Jeremy  could speak , akira came up with a walk like she is a model from nowhere .
Hey! How are you jeremy ! Wanna get my number ?
No, please I got 24 worthy hours and not a fake bitch ... ... so i wanna continue it , i guess .
Akira laughs like she was not knowing what happened  or she was not there .
Jacob ! What's  wrong with these girls !staring me all day !?-Jeremy
Brother , you are the thing out here that make there mouth water . Don't  be silly ! -Jacob
Anyways i wanna invite you to my house for a night out . -Jacob
Okay  , but who are invited  there ?
Uhh, none just Ayden , Jessica, Akira , Leo and his girlfriend Emily . - Jacob
Sounds cool! But that foolish woman Akira with no character , flirting with all men . Such a pick me ! Ewww I would never like her . -Jeremy
Yea , i got you . I have a plan to keep her away from you . - Jacob
What's  that? Don't  waste time speak as fast as my glow up. - Jeremy
Yeah, my sister will be also there , and act like you're  dating her or interested in her . Whatever you can do ? - Jacob
Really? You okay with it , that i'm flirting  with your sister ? - jeremy
Yeah , why not you're  my best friend  . If you are upto date my sister I'm  okay with it . Because I  believe  you that you will do nothing wrong with her. -Jacob
Holy shit ! You are such a frank brother ! Anyways I'm  not interested  in dating any girl it's better to play with them but its your little sister so , I'm  not going to do anything wrong and thanks for trusting me ! - Jeremy
Yes , see you at my place ! - Jacob

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08 ⏰

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