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S'A' attempt


"There's no 'normal' amount of time it takes for grief to pass, so it's important to acknowledge how you're feeling and to remember that self-care is an integral part of the healing process.."


Jungkook's gaze lingered on the bustling airport crowd, his expression seemingly unaffected by the fervour around him,The controlled chaos parted briefly as his bodyguards skillfully ensured a safe path for his passage.

Amidst the flux of faces, his eyes caught a momentary glimpse of a blonde, petite guy.

For an instant, Jungkook's demeanour wavered, a subtle pause as if something had caught his attention. A flicker of recognition or a mere acknowledgement, it was hard to discern.

Shaking his head slightly, he redirected his focus, disengaging from the fleeting encounter. Yet, his eyes continued their perusal of the surroundings, landing on a small, exquisite hairpin.

The hairpin,it gleamed with an ethereal brilliance, catching the soft glow of the airport lights. Crafted from exquisite materials, it embodied an intricate design that reflected delicate craftsmanship.

The base of the hairpin held a subtle shimmer of gold, accentuating the ornate patterns that adorned its surface.

Each swirl and curve told a story of elegance and grace.

Tiny gemstones, meticulously embedded, added a touch of sparkle, casting tiny prisms of colour with every movement.

At its pinnacle, a miniature butterfly, its wings outstretched in a perpetual dance, captured the essence of whimsy and sophistication. The details were so refined that, upon closer inspection, one could almost feel the flutter of the butterfly's wings.

This hairpin wasn't just an accessory; it was a masterpiece, a unique creation that transcended the ordinary.

It stood out not only for its exquisite aesthetics but also for the emotions it evoked, leaving an indelible impression.

Jungkook's eyes, ablaze with anger, fixated on the hairpin. Without a second thought, he sprinted toward the unsuspecting woman who adorned it. His approach was sudden and aggressive, snatching the delicate accessory from her hair with force.

"Where did you get this?!" he barked, his voice laced with unbridled rage. His eyes intensified, veins pulsating beneath the surface.

Terrified, the woman stammered,

"My son gave it to me." Jungkook's fury only escalated.

"Where did you get this?!" he demanded again, the intensity in his voice sending shivers down her spine. The revelation seemed to trigger something within him, and as he walked away, his face and whole body collided with the floor.


The world around him turned black, and as Jungkook gradually regained consciousness, his manager, with concern etched on his face, addressed him.

"Jungkook, you're awake," he said. Jungkook, still grappling with the aftermath of his violent outburst, responded with a nod.

The manager's voice took a stern tone. "You need a therapist, Jungkook." Denial tinged Jungkook's reply, insisting he didn't need one. The manager, resolute, emphasized the gravity of the situation and the need for professional help.

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