Chapter 261 - 270

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261 261 Fishing Time

Mrs. Tao had made a lot of delicious food and brought it over. The gray floral cloth was spread out, and the food was placed in the center.

Mr. Tao set up the fishing rod that he had brought from home. There was also a fishing rod provided by the resort beside him. Since he had decided to fish, he would give it a try.

Tan Rou picked a spot with a larger breeze. Fishing could not be done in still water. Fish liked to swim. They could sense the current and swim with it.

“The fish in this lake should be from the villa, right? I wonder if I can take it home with me?” Tao Zheng asked.

Tan Rou pointed at the sign beside her. “You can take it away, but you have to pay and buy the fish by weight before you can take it home.”

Mrs. Tao walked over and said, “The fish here are all bred here. They’ve been fed with pellets instead of natural food. They don’t taste good. If you want to eat good fish, we can go fishing in the village next time.”

Mr. Tao then spoke, “Fishing is fun but there’s no need to eat them. The food we brought is enough.” He handed the prepared food to Mrs. Tao. “Honey, you scatter the fish food and attract the fish over. ”

Mrs. Tao didn’t refuse. She walked to the edge and scattered the fish food. It was quite interesting.

“It’s fun.” Tao Qi’s mother said with a smile. She called Tao Qi over. “Xiao Qi, come and try it too.”

Tao Qi was upset because Tan Jing ignored him. Earlier before, his father and brother invited him to go fishing, but he refused. Although Sister Jingjing was busy, she didn’t seem happy to see him. Why? Sister Jingjing must be angry because he hadn’t called her recently.

On the other hand, his relationship with Tan Rou seemed to be getting better and better. She even gave him a computer.

“Xiao Qi!” Mrs. Tao shouted again, “What are you doing sitting there alone? Come and fish with everyone!”

Tao Qi crossed his legs unhappily. He rested his elbows on his knees and rested his chin on his hands. He looked unhappy. “I don’t want to go fishing. You guys go ahead.”

Tan Rou looked at his expression and knew that he was still thinking about the previous matter. Why was his judgment so bad at such a young age? Can’t you see what kind of person Tan Jing is?

“Tao Qi, we were just about to have a fishing competition.” Tan Rou left her seat and walked towards Tao Qi. “Do you want to come along?”

Tao Qi was uninterested. “I don’t want to participate. You guys can play on your own.”

“Hmm…?” Tan Rou raised her eyebrows. “You’re not afraid of losing, are you?”

When Tao Qi heard that, he immediately raised his head. “What do you mean I’m afraid of losing?”

“You’re just afraid of losing. You’ve already lost to me once in the last competition. Don’t tell me you don’t have the balls to compete with me this time?” Tan Rou laughed.

Tao Qi was young and easily provoked. When he heard Tan Rou say that he didn’t dare to compete, how could he tolerate it? “Who said I didn’t dare to? Don’t look down on me because I’m young. The number of fish I catch may not be any lesser than yours.”

He patted his pants and walked to the water’s edge in high spirits. “I’ll show you what I can do!”

Mother Tao snickered. “This kid.”

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