chapter six: the first mission

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It had been a few sleepless nights since Tsuki had left the comfort of Urokodaki's cabin, and its safe to say she was getting annoyed at how long it was taking for her to get to her destination. "FASTER!" her crow squarked packing her on the head pulling her hair in the mean time (damn this crow abusive-) Tsuki growled before slowly drawing her blade a murderous look in her eyes.

"TSUKI!" came a male voice causing Tsuki to turn, she couldn't help but smile as she saw her friend Asahi, Asahi used to be a helped in the moon estate but after almost kicking her brothers ass in a sword fight he'd been sent away to learnt Celestial breathing, a breathign style only used by the strongest of trainee's, and about a year later he had come home to complete the final selection with Tsuki. Asahi had galaxy coloured hair, his Haori was black with gold suns and moons littered on it, he had a sun shaped birth mark on his bottom left cheek, his blue eyes happy and bright as he wrapped the girl in a tight hug "where have you been?! Its been two years!" He stated lifting her rather easily as Tsuki went slack a calm look on her face

"Asahi put her down." Came a deep female voice from behind Asahi, Asahi put Tsuki down carefully as Tsuki opened her eyes to see Ito, a blood breathing user, unlike Asahi, her posture was closed off, Tsuki met Ito at final selection, Ito was pretty violent and collected blood from every demon she fought, so clearly she was a good person to approach. Her teal eyes narrowed in annoyance, her right eye had a rather nasty scar through it, rendering that eye useless. Her black and red hair was pulled short but curly, the left side of her hair had a brade pulling it tight to give off a half head of hair look. Her haori was the sleeves of two old haor's she found showed togetherwith a diamond clasp on the front, the black half of her haori was covered in blood red flowers, while the other white half had lines looking like the siloet of a tree. Considering this, it showing off she scars she accumulated from the vigorous training that blood breathing brought.

Tsuki stared at Ito intensly before waking towards her flopping fowards for the taller girl, Ito slid to the side leaving Tsuki to fall onto the floor with a thump "ITO!" Asahi yelled picking Tsuki up easily as the blood breather rolled her eye "she tried flopping on me." She stated crossing her arms "and she left for two years." Ito mumbled causing Asahi to smirk "awwwww! Ito do you like Tsuki?" He teased causing Ito and Tsuki to look at him in disgust "ew." Tsuki said as Ito held her hand out "on a better note, im glad your back." She said dully, to anyone else it looked like Ito didn't care for her. But to Tsuki's eyes she knew this was Ito's way of saying she missed the moon breather.

"So," Tsuki said sitting under a tree "whats the mission?" She asked relaxing with her eyes closed as the celestial and blood breather sat down in front of her "apparently, a Lower moon has been terrorising the village we're going too." Asahi explained as Ito yawned

"Apparently there's a festival there. And the demon loves people who's having a good time." Ito explained as Tsuki hummed "well, im not gonna say no to a festival." And the other agreed.


Ito groaned lightly as she saw all the people in the rather large village "i forgot how much I hate people." She hissed hiding behind Tsuki even though she was at least a couple of inches taller. Asahi looked at the preparations for the festival in wonder "wow!" He exclaimed grabbing Tsuki's arm and shaking her lightly "we have to have the best time possible!" He said before Ito hit him on the head rather lightly "dumbass, were supposed to be here on a mission, not having fun!" She hissed her eyes squinted suspiciously.

Asahi seemingly unfazed by the hit and smiled "butttt! The demon will only attack people whos having a good time!" He stated with a hint on cockyness in his tone as he placed his hands on his hips "so we gotta have fun Ito-ito!" He said causing Ito to grumble angrily "fun my ass." Tsuki heard her say before Tsuki hit her in the ribs "from a missions perspective, we will have to have fun." Tsuki said with a neutral tone as if not caring what they do as long as the misson was over.

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