Chapter Four: Final selection

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It had been months since they'd started training with Urokodaki, and at this point Tsuki was starting to get extremely bored. "Urokodaki, how long are we staying here." She asked perched on top of an old tree "you can leave when even you wish. Tanjiro has yet to complete his training." Tsuki sat up "hah?! What do you mean he's not done?!" She yelped ruffling her hair in frustration "most training last one year, he's only been here seven months." He stated causing Tsuki to groan "Damn it Tanjiro!" She yelled causing Urokodaki to chuckle "you completed your training fast, even by slayer standards." He stated calmly causing her to huff "yea I know, my brother always reminds me." She hissed "but seriously, how long do you think it will take?" She asked causing Urokodaki to tilt his head "he's making okay progress, so hopefully just the year." Tsuki squinted "...what do i do in the mean time?" She asked "anything you want Raiko, this is your break." Tsuki smiled lightly "yea... my break."

Tanjiro had been training hard, to hard Tsuki thought, "Tanjiro. Relax for a second." She yelled causing Tanjiro to pause mid sword stroke "I'm okay Raiko-san!" He said tiredly causing Tsuki to glare angrily "if you don rest ill hut you on the head till you pass out." She threatened a murderous aura surrounding her causing Tanjiro to drop the sword like hot steel "o-f course Raiko-san!" He yelped walking towards her and sitting down tiredly. " are you Raiko-san?" He asked while Tsuki drew in the ground with a stick she found "im alright, bored though." She said hesitantly causing Tanjiro to ponder lightly "how's the training going?" He asked happily as sweat rolled down her cheek "...okay." she mumbled. "...ah okay." He said facing foward and looking up at the sky, "I feel stupid asking, but can I know more about you?" Tanjiro asked causing Tsuki to flinch "like what? What do you wanna know?" She asked carefully as Tanjiro beamed "how old are you?" He asked as Tsuki choked "didn't i tell you? I'm 14." She said teasingly as Tanjiro smiled "you hadn't told me no, but I'm happy know I know! I'm 13" He said smiling brightly.

Tsuki giggled "well what else do you wanna know?" She asked, seemingly more relaxed "well...whats your brother like?" He asked flinching when he saw her flinch "...he's the worst." She said quietly "you and nezuko are Lucky to have suck a close relationship." She said sadly. Tanjiro looked at her sadly and hugged her carefully "it will be okay Tsuki-chan." He said cuasing Tsuki's eyes to tear up "stupid." She mumbled before hugging him back.

A figure sat on a tree near by, they're black and white hair was short except for the two long plaits flowing behind them, their blue eyes narrowed angrily "what a interesting development."


(Time skip to about 2 years, cos you know, I forgot to specify 🥲)

Tanjiro put on his new mask and Haori and stood infront on Urokodaki and Tsuki "how do I look?" He asked as Tsuki smiled slightly "stupid, but you'll be looking better than the other people." She teased causing Urokodaki to chuckle, other the years Tanjiro and Tsuki has made a strange friendship.

"Come back alive Tanjiro." Urokodaki said causing Tanjiro to smile "I will! Protect Nezuko for me!" He said happily while Tsuki groaned "why you so happy all the time!" She hissed shilding her eyed from his sparkle aura "go on get out!" She hissed pushing him oit of the room "don't be late!" She yelled slaming the door closed sagging against the door a worried look on her face. "Why did you push him out so fast?" Urokodaki asked curiously as Tsuki flinched " brother is here." She said shaking "I've seen him lurking around, I don't want him hurting Tanjiro." Urokodaki glared behind his mask "Are you sure?" He said causing Tsuki to nod "he'll be wanting me to go home soon Urokodaki." She said sadly slidding down the wall "I just hope ill be able to see Tanjiro come home safely."

(Hoshi pov aka the brother)

I glared as I saw Raiko-san push the marron haired boy out of the room. "How dare he get comfortable with my sister." I thought bitterly following the boy closely watching the way he walked "he's slow." I thought tsking under my breath "BOY!" I yelled causing him to jump and turn around to look at me in shock "I'd stay away from her you know." I said causing him to cock his head "I'm sorry?" He said confusion csusing me to smirk "I'm taking about Raiko-san. She's cursed." I smirked, now all I had to do, was wait for him to tell Raiko, how exciting.

(Time skip to after final selection)

Tsuki groaned from her sear on Urokodaki's roof, Nezuko still hasn't awakened so it was just her and Urokodaki, and it's safe to say he hasn't been goign easy on her training wise. Seems like Tanjiro was the only reason she got it easy, so she'd opted to hide on the roof for now until Tanjiro came home, it had been twenty days since he left, and she's started getting worried that he'd actually died in that Wisteria prison. "What are you worrying for?" She heard Urokodaki say behind her cuasing her to scream and almost fall off the room "WHAT THE HELL UROKODAKI?!" she yelped pulling her self effortlessly, one of these good things about the moons blessing was her strength was heightened. "You decided to hide up here, so its your fault you got startled." He stated casually as Tsuki brushed her Haori down and fixed the positioning of it "yea well a little warning please!" She snapped before looking to the side "...I'm worried about Tanjiro.." she sighed sadly "I came home within 10 days. And that's with me sight seeing." She pulled a hand through her fridge "i dunno, but I have a wierd feeling..." Urokodaki smiled under the mask trying to hide his worry "he'll come back, he broke the biggest rock." Tsuki blinked "what now-"


Tsuki yawned as she walked out of Urokodaki's hut, the sun had just started to rise and she was determined to not let Urokodaki find her this time. She hummed as she heard footsteps and turned to see Tanjiro walking slowly down the path, her eyes widened before running at him hugging him tight "why did you take so long?!" She said tears flowing down her face as Tanjiro hugged her back just as tight "Sorry Tauki-chan, im home now."


Nezuko and Tsuki jumped out of the screen "well that was boring with out Tanjiro huh Nezuko?" Nezuko hummed happily "although you we're asleep this full time..." Tsuki paused before shaking her head "Anyway! Tasho ere secret time." She leaned fowards "did you know the Moon Hashira is the only trainer for Moon breathin?" She leaned backwards with a small smile "next time, the first goodbye!"

(A slightly early chapter, sorry if this story is kinda slow, I honestly just write and don't plan stuff. Soon I'll be having a collab chapter with catlover2278 so if you wanna understand it please go read his book! Ill still post a normal chapter for anyone what dosent wanna read it! See you next week star People!)

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