What Comes Next

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On April 3rd, 1998, Derrick made a gut-wrenching discovery a vault full of unreleased songs from Taiyon. Derrick decided to use one of them to complete the album they didn't have a chance to finish. He made some final adjustments that day and released it. The last and final album named 'Sincerely Taiyon'. It broke his heart to do so without Taiyon.

Meanwhile, back at Shantae's home, there was a knock on her door. Shocked, it was a detective who had something to give to her. It was Taiyon's wallet, a physical piece of him that she clutched tightly. As she opened it, she found a prized photo, one of her absolute favorites. In the picture, Taiyon wore a white t-shirt and a jean jacket, while she wore a red shirt with jean overalls. They both had wide, bright smiles, and Taiyon had his arms were around her as they both had a big smile across their faces.

Alongside this picture, there was also one of their kids. It was the little things, those beautiful memories, that now held the most meaning.

Heavily moved, Shantae debated a huge decision. She needed to take a trip, the purpose of it she kept to herself. Knowing she had to leave for a minute, she called Vicky for assistance.
"Hello?" Vicky answered.

"Listen, I have to go somewhere. Could you pick the kids up for me from school?" She asked, her tone determined.

"Yeah, but where are you going?" Vicky asked, worried.

"I won't say, Vicky. I'm not asking for much. Just let me do this," Shantae insisted, a bit of urgency in her tone.
Vicky, respecting Shantae's wishes, didn't push any further.

Shantae returned to Atlanta around 5:30 pm. She picked up her kids from Vicky's house. During their meeting, Vicky questioned her sudden departure.
"Where did you go?" Vicky asked.

"I had to go take care of something," Shantae responded.

"Are you okay?" Vicky's worry was palpable.

"I'm fine. I'll see you later," Shantae said, driving away.

The album's success was nothing but amazing. Its popularity didn't only stem from Taiyon's early death but also from the artistic brilliance it showcased. 'Sincerely Taiyon' scoured into various music genres, mixing hip-hop, soul, pop, and of course, R&B. It even included a collaboration with Derrick and Maya on one of the songs. Many people wished he would've been able to perform the songs live.

The album's success was so outstanding that Taiyon received another Grammy nomination. Shantae found the nomination letter in the mail and swiftly shared the news with Vicky and the others. They prepared themselves for the event, scheduled for April 22nd, 1998.

At the Grammy ceremony, the competition was fiery, but Taiyon came out as the winner. Shantae took to the stage to receive the award on his behalf. As she stood before the crowd, they cheered, avidly anticipating her speech.

"I just want to say that I am very proud of him. Although he can't be here with us today, this award is a honor to his undeniable skills. He was an remarkable artist with a captivating singing voice. Everyday of my life, I miss him dearly. I give my heartfelt gratitude to you all for making this recognition possible in his remembrance. We will celebrate for him. This achievement is massive, marking his second Grammy. Taiyon was not only a astonishing artist but a bright presence in our lives. His contagious smile, his spirit—every aspect about him is greatly missed. Once again, thank you all for this honor. May God bless you. And to Taiyon, if you can hear me, I am so ecstatic for you. Continue to watch over us, and know that I love you so much baby,"

Shantae finished her speech while holding up Taiyon's award. The audience responded with a heartwarming standing ovation.

On April 25th, Shantae found herself looking through Taiyon's belongings when the doorbell rang. To her surprise, it was family at the door: Dj, Ruby, Lisa, and Latonya. However Ken was noticeably nowhere to be found once again. She welcomed them inside, and they all gathered at her dining room table.
"Hi, Shantae. It's a pleasure to finally meet you," Latonya greeted.

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