Nashville, Tennessee

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Among them leaving Houston after two long weeks on March 5th, the tour bus had quieted down and lost the vibrant energy it once had. Taiyon found himself sitting at a table in the kitchen part of the bus when Derrick sat in front of him.
"Look man, I'm putting my pride to the side to say that I was wrong for what I did. I'm really sorry for everything I did and said. You didn't deserve any of it, man and again I'm sorry" he genuinely admitted.

"It's all good, man. One love," Taiyon responded, dapping him up.

Whilst he and Vicky still weren't speaking, Taiyon continued to maintain a strong appearance amongst all the drama behind the scenes. Upon arriving in Nashville, he and Shantae took some time to relax and dine out.
"Nashville is such a stunning place, with its charming scenery," Shantae expressed with glee.

Taking a bite of his food, Taiyon talked with a mouthful, "Yeah it really is a beautiful spot. Can't wait to experience the vibes on the night of my shows," he mumbled.

"Swallow your food before talking. It's a bit hard to catch what you're saying," she laughed.

"My bad, and you know what, baby? Sooner or later, we're going to need to start discussing when we're going to tie the knot," Taiyon cheerfully commented, a hint of joy in his voice. With their engagement, the aspect of a wedding was a significant topic of discussion.

"Oh I know," Shantae replied with a smile, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "Speaking of which, Taiyon, there's something else I need to talk to you about."

Concerned mixed with worrisome in his expression "What's wrong?"

She lowered her voice, "I'm late."

Taiyon's eyebrows raised in surprise. "As in... that type of late?"

Shantae nodded, her gaze locking onto his. "Mhm. So, what are we going to do?"

A thoughtful pause filled the air as they exchanged glares. Taiyon broke the silence, offering a suggestion, "You wanna take a test?"

"Not today, maybe tomorrow," she answered.

"Alright then, babe," Taiyon agreed, a comforting smile on his lips as he reached over and impishly stole a piece of steak off her plate. In return, she popped his hand, and their laughter echoed throughout the restaurant.

That night, Taiyon performed two shows, each showcasing a different side of his gift. The first show overflowed with energy, and he danced in rhythm with the lively crowd. The second show took on a more intimate tone as he lilted soulful ballads that pulled at the heartstrings. After his performances, he returned to their arrangement to find Shantae fast asleep. Not wanting to bother her, he quietly slipped out onto the balcony, allowing his thoughts to wander.

As he glared at the city lights below, the reality of living his once-dreamy life eased over him. However, an unexpected sleeplessness eroded his thoughts. Eventually, the need for sleep took over, and he hesitantly retired to bed, determined to suppress his restless mind.

The following morning, Taiyon awakened to a message from Shantae, her words sending him on an unexpected trip. He found himself navigating the aisles of a store, his heart thumping more than he cared to confess. Back in their hotel room, despite the cool temperature, anxiety grappled at him, causing sweat to bead on his forehead. As he stood there, he realized how high the stakes were. His life was quickly evolving, and the uncertainty of the future weighed heavily on his mind. On account of taking the test, they sat side by side, their hands tightly clutched as they nervously awaited for the results. As the minutes slipped by, a single line appeared on the test, prompting them to wait a little longer, their hopes dangling in the balance.

With clear anxiousness, Shantae asked him to check again. When he did, he was faced with the sight of two lines, and he held it up for her to see. Overwhelmed with emotion, tears brimmed in her eyes, and he automatically drew her into a warm hug. The reality sunk in—they were on the verge of parenthood, and the pressure of the journey ahead was both thrilling and daunting.

With an appointment scheduled at a local doctor's office, they learned that Shantae was already two weeks pregnant, a utterance that left them both in a state of shock and awe. Shantae, born on April 24th, 1971, at just 19 years old, inhabited Alabama all the way until here. Despite extreme weather, Taiyon was called to do an additional performance due to the cancellation of another. Alongside the weather-related interference, ongoing construction further complicated their situation, leaving them in a kind of void.

As they sorted through this unexpected turn of events, Taiyon found himself in deep thought, grasping with his emotions and grasping for a sense of certainty. Eventually, he resolved to confront the situation directly and dropped by Vicky. He knocked lightly on her hotel room door, a surprising sight for her jaded eyes.
"Please, come in," she welcomed, opening her door. He took a seat on her bed, and she joined him.

"Listen, I just want you to know that I do forgive you. I understand your intentions were great, even though they were executed badly. As I keep going on my journey I'll always need you, the trust you broke will take time to mend" he expressed.

"I do understand, Taiyon. Eventually you will need to heal that wound" she replied.

"I know, but right now isn't a good time. We'll talk when the time is right. For now, we need to be focused on this tour," he asserted.

"Understood, Just glad we're back on track T," she said with a smile as she showed him out. The Nashville part of their journey came to an end as they finally departed the city.

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