A Topaz takes a trip to New Orleans

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New Orleans, Louisiana

The French Quarter

Omniscient Pov

New Orleans, to its people it is the heart n' soul to everything they hold dear. Where tourists fly in from all over just to visit and experience the culture. From its art to its music. Along with festivals that could light up neighborhoods with its colorful colors and celebrations. But also the home of the supernaturals, built from the ground up by the Mikaelson Family. Kingdom cemented and drilled into the ground of the French quarter. In a castle called the Mikaelson manor a home that houses the original Viking family that created the 5 original vampire bloodlines.

The Mikaelson's live by a motto that gives them the power to generate the city they love so much and the ability to keep their people in line. People like Niklaus's and Marcel's Army , incoming enemies, and outsiders trying to stir shit up, and their families associates. The Mikaelson's live very differently compared to the Topazes. "Always and Forever" means to protect the ones you love no matter what, no matter what it'll cost you, no matter whom it might screw over or get killed. Family is the most important thing and for anyone that gets in the way of that shall die. That's what it means to be a Mikaelson , the family sees no problem with how they do things....resulting into them gaining nearly over 1,000 years worth of enemies at least for Niklaus anyway.If you think about it the Mikaelson's have made every move in battle based on plans thought out strategically for almost any outcome; all in the name of family. All these years all they ever fought for was peace in their kingdom and to protect their loved ones. Either from their foes or from their own stubbornness proven over the centuries with the many daggering incidents.

Now, the Mikaleson's are creating new history with the new editions to the family all in thanks of the Topazes. Between the family witches, they share spells all the time, whenever one is curious to something they can't quite figure out or if the other is in a crisis the other family sends (a) spell over; for a price of course. The Topazes shared the spell created for supernaturals to have the bodily function to procreate. Since that spell, it made it possible for Marcel and Rebekah , Elijah to have kids and Kol and Devina whenever they're ready to have a baby.

Before it was chaos and the constant whiplash of looking over your shoulder not knowing who to trust. The family has never felt more content and secure since the absence of the vampire hating older brother Finn. To match his hatred for his siblings the vampire hunter they call father, Mikael. Freedom has never felt better.

Road trip to the Mikaelson Manor

Dotty- Do I really need this private escort? he says to Niklaus as he tapped his silver serpent ring on his knee

Niklaus- Yes of course, its been quite some time since you've been to my home and things are very different from what you've known it to be. With the help from the Prince and the rest of the adult family members. putting emphasis on "adult" for Hope's sakes

Hope playfully rolls her eyes at her Father

Niklaus- Plus I've always taught Marcel and Hope that it's quite rude to not give your special guests a tour of your home. Especially if they haven't visited in a long while.

Marcel- Yes we know Pops, it was about time we gave Hope some space I'm pretty sure we extended our visit long enough from the last parents day. he said as he bumps his elbow on Hope's arm getting her attention away from her phone

Hope- Yeah, I mean I love you guys but I really don't think its fair to the other families that only get to visit for one day to see their kids and well you guys "visit" for three weeks. she says finally putting her phone away now entering the conversation

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