A Matured Tribrid

40 2 0

Mystic Falls, Virginia

Salvatore Boarding School For the Gifted

It had been a grand total of 6 months , 6 months since his family came to visit him, 6 months since he was given this punishment. But that was then the beginning half of the deal the 1st phase to the ending result . Dotty understood even then under all his pouting he understood that what he did was wrong and this was his lesson. But throughout the months of training the young Tribrid he is almost fully sure of what exactly his lesson is. At least now he knows that this is apart of his training too he thought his training days with his big sister were over.

I mean embarrassingly enough Dotty still has yet to get his bat wings like his big brother and sister. At least Dotty still thinks its embarrassing . No other kind of vampire in any bloodline in this world has the ability more so the power to sprout bat wings from their backs. Only the Topaz clan can perform these mythical abilities .

Phase 1 complete teach Hope Mikaelson the basics of training to be a Serpent warrior, Phase 2 of the next 6 months is about to begin. Hope has learned how to defend and attack like a serpent warrior, how to think like one , how to meditate like one so on and so fourth...........Here's the thing about that, Hope was training as a Were-witch hybrid now she has to train again as the fully activated Tribrid. Meaning if Hope thought training as a were-witch with the Prince of the Uktena's was hard get ready for him to actually demonstrate his real power.

Learning how to control her power over the years was difficult to say the least, plus living with the constant stress of wanting to be considered an equal to her family. What we know that she's from a powerful clan. A clan proven , historically , to have more bloodlines than the average clan. Now let's take a small look at what makes the super squad leader the mightiest.

Hope gets her vampiric strength and abilities from her 1,000 year old vampire family, her witch powers from her Aunt Dahlia rumor amongst the family and certain plugs around New Orleans that she basically invented black magic, another magical entity the hollow, and finally her 1,000 year old witch Aunt Freya , and finally she gets her brute wolf strength from both of her Alpha hybrid parents. Who are also the active King and Queen of New Orleans.


Prince Audaz and Princess Belle's Dorm Room

*Knock Knock*

Alexander- Royal Twins!, its time to get up!, you can't let the day run past you ! he says cheerfully as he walked over to Belle then vamping over to Audaz's side of the room

Belle- Oh come on Ally, just five more minutes please? she said tiredly in her raspy morning voice she inherited from her Mama. With out care she decides to snuggle more into her expensive silk sheets flown in from France.

Alexander- Sorry, little one but Luther and I already gave you guys five minutes plus an extra five to be nice. Its officially time to get up now. You only have an hour to get ready half to get dressed and the other for breakfast. he says while ushering them to their daily routine

The twins got out of their beds simultaneously letting their little feet touch the floor. They both stretched and yawned some more as they tried not to trip over their own feet, as they wipe the crust from out of their eyes, before finally meeting their destinations;Their separated bathrooms.

They may share the same face and the same room but Audaz is still a boy and Belle is a girl. The original 8 takes shifts assisting the twins, today is Alex's and Luther's day, Alex gets them dressed and looking accordingly for school. Luther's job is to pick out their appropriate school uniforms for that day, he also packs their schools bags with their lunch and supplies, and lastly their school pins and sneakers.

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