Destructive Learning

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Today is the Topaz twins first day of their homeschooling.  Since, Cheryl thought it would be best for them. She decided to teach them her favorite subjects. And other subjects she excelled in. But let's not forget about her multitalented wife Mrs. Toni Topaz .


Home classroom 👩‍🏫

Cheryl- Alright my precious babies I'm Mrs. Topaz aka your mom. But when it's schooling hours you'll be calling me, Mrs. Topaz understand?

Yes, Mrs. Topaz the Topaz twins said in unison

Cheryl- I'm going to be teaching real things that you'll actually need in your life. Well, you two could already speak three languages English obvi, Spanish, and French. So, I'll be teaching Math, English arts, and Science. And your mother will teach you all the physical stuff.

Belle- Like what?

Toni- Not just physical stuff like your Mami said. I'll be teaching you Topaz history, Regular history, Physical education, and Music.

Audaz- Why can't we go to a real school like all the other kids?

Cheryl- Because the world is a bad bad place honey maybe one day.

Toni- Your freshmen year of high school will be your first day of "real" school as you put it . Topaz honor .

Yes! the twins said as the high fives each other


After home schooling

Belle pov

I know I'm only six, but I feel like there is another reason why we can't go to regular school. I mean there is nothing wrong with being with my mommies and my brother.

I want friends and I keep asking my mommies why our aunties and uncles don't have kids. Except for auntie Betty and Jughead's kids Romeo and Juliet. But she keeps saying she'll tell me the reason why when I'm older. And I really can't wait that long. My big brother Audaz is cool with it than I'm cool with it. Don't let him know I said that because he'll grow an even bigger head. He's literally older than me by a minute.


No ones Pov

Audaz was training in the home training center when Belle walked in

Audaz- Hey bells you need something?

Belle- Mommies are hiding something from us, the real reason why we can't go to school . I want to figure it out you want to with me ?

Audaz- Honestly Belle, I don't mind being homeschooled for now. I heard that's it's terrible. Like the food is just icky , people are mean , and you have to ask to use the bathroom.

Belle- Really? wow. That does sound bad well ok I'll be in my room if you need me .

Audaz - Okay bye bells


Cheryl was sitting in her home office at her desk finishing up some work. When Toni storms in .

Toni- Did you know that Betty and Jughead had twins?!

Cheryl- Yeah, I knew, Romeo and Juliet that's their names .

Toni- What the fuck! why didn't anyone tell me that ?

Cheryl- I did babe where's your memory going? they come here almost every weekend.

Toni- How? could I not remember that oh shit now I remember Betty told Jughead? And everyone else at graduation. What's going on with me? she said turning on her heels and walking out

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