"This is unbelievable hyung. I mean seriously, a birthday I will never forget. Thank you." Jisung said as he turned to look into Minho's eyes.

"You have been working really hard lately Jisung, you deserve a night of luxury and relaxation." Minho replied.

Jisung blushed as he said "And you say you aren't romantic hyung, I would go as far to say you are the most romantic in the group. Whoever you choose to date is going to be a very lucky person."

Minho's heart shattered in his chest as he was swiftly reminded that their beautiful night together was not a date. He could treat Jisung like his boyfriend all he wanted but that didn't mean they were actually together or that they would ever be together.

Jisung leaned over the railing slightly to get a better view of the deck on the floor below them and the daisy that had stayed behind his ear the whole night fell into the dark water. Minho scoffed thinking, 'How symbolic of this moment. My hopes for us, falling into the cold, dark and endless abyss.'

After the dinner cruise, Jisung went back to Minho's apartment for him to show off his garden as promised. Minho watched from the doorway as Jisung marveled at all the plants growing on the balcony. "My daisies are growing beautifully hyung. Soon you will have a whole bouquet for me." Jisung said with a grin.

Minho didn't have the energy to deny they were Jisung's or to tease him at all like he normally would. His heart was tired, worn out from constantly hiding his true feelings. He grabbed Jisung's hands gently and walked backwards into his bedroom until he sat on the side of the bed. He pulled Jisung to stand between his legs and looked up at him longingly.

Jisung gulped as he stared down at Minho, unable to move. Minho then wrapped his arms around Jisung's waist and buried his face into his stomach. Jisung gasped at the sudden embrace, standing still, not knowing how to react. He then gently patted Minho's back asking nervously "H-Hyung? Are you okay? What's wrong?"

'No, I'm not okay! Don't you know that I love you! Don't you know that I want you so bad!' Minho screamed in his head as he squeezed Jisung tighter.

"I just... I need a hug. Even someone like me just needs a hug sometimes..." Minho replied weakly as he inhaled Jisung's sweet scent and fought back tears in his eyes.

"Of course hyung. I'm here for you." Jisung said as he gently stroked Minho's hair. And with that gentle touch and those sweet words, the dam holding back Minho's tears broke. He began sobbing into Jisung's shirt, clinging to him like a child to his mother.

"Oh hyungie, is there something I can do?" Jisung asked, as he rubbed Minho's back, trying to comfort him. He hadn't seen Minho cry like that since he was eliminated in their survival show and he didn't know how to react.

"This. Just stay like this with me for a little longer." Minho cried as he pulled Jisung to sit on his lap and fully swallowed him in an embrace. He just couldn't take it anymore, always trying to be strong and hold back his feelings. He had loved Jisung for years and every day it was harder and harder to be close to him but never close to him in the way he wanted.

Sometimes the weight of his unrequited love was just too much; it was only a matter of time till something in him was bound to break. He usually kept his pain and tears bottled up, barely even letting himself cry when alone, but something just snapped. Though it would take time for him to fully come to terms with it, that night he realized deep down that pretending he wasn't in love with his best friend wasn't something he could do forever.

Jisung wrapped his arms around Minho's neck and held him tight against his chest as he just let him cry it out. "I'm sorry about this. I don't know what came over me and now I'm ruining your birthday." Minho sniffled as he began to compose himself.

"You didn't ruin anything Minho hyung. You can always cry on my shoulder... or my chest or my stomach." Jisung chuckled as he gestured to his wet shirt.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry. Let me get you a dry shirt." Minho said frantically as he began unbuttoning Jisung's shirt without thinking. It was halfway unbuttoned when Jisung finally stopped Minho's hand. Minho looked at Jisung's bare chest in front of him and realized what he had done. Turning bright red he quickly removed his hands from Jisung's shirt.

Jisung chuckled as he unbuttoned his own shirt the rest of the way and slowly slipped it off his shoulders, all the while still sitting on Minho's lap. Minho gulped at the sight of Jisung's naked torso so close to his face. His perky nipples called out to be touched but Minho refrained.

"You said you had a dry shirt for me hyung." Jisung said, looking down at Minho with innocent eyes.

'Fuck. Does he know what he's doing to me?' Minho thought as he gathered all his willpower not to kiss Jisung. He gently lifted Jisung from his lap and set him on the bed beside him. Jisung's face and neck were bright red from the sudden manhandling as Minho got up to grab him a clean shirt.

He handed Jisung a folded up t-shirt, trying not to look at him directly as he said "I'm okay now so you can go home, I don't want to mess up your birthday any more than I already have."

"This is one of the best birthdays I have ever had hyung. You have messed up nothing and I'm not going anywhere." Jisung said as he stood up in front of him and slipped on the shirt. "That is... if you still want me to stay."

'Always. I never want you to leave.' Minho thought as he stared into Jisung's dark eyes. He began stripping off his suit jacket and unbuttoning his shirt in front of him. Jisung's eyes went wide as he asked "W-Wait, what are you doing?"

"I'm getting ready for bed, I can't sleep very well in a suit, can I?" Minho said as he continued to take off his clothes in front of Jisung until he was down to just his boxers. Jisung's eyes flicked down Minho's body subtly before he turned around, nervously scratching his neck.

"Y-You aren't only going to wear that to bed, are you?" Jisung asked anxiously as he faced away from him.

"Of course not, unless you want me to." Minho said flirtatiously.

"No, I definitely think you should put some clothes on." Jisung said shakily as he began to sweat. Minho smirked as he threw Jisung a pair of sweatpants and got himself dressed for bed. Jisung quickly changed his pants and crawled under Minho's blanket. Minho laid next to him and Jisung added "You seem to be feeling better now, back to teasing me and all."

Minho chuckled to himself, it was ironic how Jisung was both the reason he cried in the first place and the one who could make him feel better. "It's thanks to you." Minho said seriously.

"I hate to see you cry hyung. Are you sure you are okay?" Jisung asked as he gently caressed Minho's tear stained cheek.

"I will be." Minho replied as he closed his eyes, slowly drifting off to sleep.

Fresh Daisies, First Snow | Minsung |ChanglixWhere stories live. Discover now