Separated by a Fence (3)

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“Well now that this project’s started, I can’t see my friends as much as I want to,” I told Skyler. “Ha, and those two are stuck together. Suckers. Let’s see how that turns out.’

Skyler smiled, staring ahead. “Yeah, those two hate each other right?”

I nodded. “Well yeah...but in a sort of joking way. They tease each other. Sam and I? We actually DESPISE each other, and can’t stand on the same ground as the other.”

Skyler grinned, as if sharing her own little secret. “It’s cute how you two hate each other.”

I raised an eyebrow, scuffing my toes in the sand. “I’m just called us...cute?”

Skyler let out a whoosh of breath. “I don’t think you guys hate each other. It’s just a little thing you guys are taking real, and this feud can blow over really fast. Trust me on this.”

I almost laughed. She thought this feud was a fake? A joke? Seriously? And to think I thought Skyler was my go-to person and knew everything.

Before I could reply, I noticed a group of guys playing beach volleyball. When I squinted my eyes and peered closely, I noticed it was Sam’s stupid jerk friends...which meant Sam was there. And sure enough, I spotted Sam’s spiky brown head, and groaned inwardly.

He was shirtless...and I glared at his stupid chiselled six-pack.  They were glinting off the sunshine and it was like they were chanting "LOOK AT ME, I'M SO FIT!" at me. Grrr.

“Ugh, can we turn the other way?” I groaned, struggling to steer Skyler the other direction.

Skyler however stood her ground. “What? I ain’t seeing anything.”

I rolled my eyes. “Cyclone Taylor.”

I turned my back to them, so I didn’t have to see the freak. Skyler stared at them, trying to figure out where Taylor was. Then she chuckled, smirking.

“Well Cyclone Taylor’s heading our way. Incoming,” she told me, sweetly.

I moaned. “Aaaare youuuu seeeerious?”

Skyler chuckled, and popped the last bit of her ice-cream in her mouth.

“Hey!” came the familiar evil voice from behind me.

My frown deepened, as I swirled around, unhappily. He was standing in front of me, and was holding the volleyball, squinting against the sun.

“What?” I grumbled.

He smirked. “Hey don’t be like that, girlfriend. What will our kid think when her parents start fighting?”

I glared at him. “What happened to complaining that I was your partner and saying your life was over?’

He shrugged. “Hey, at least this is another way to torture and annoy you.”

I sighed, swiping a strand from my face. ‘Thanks.”

He smirked, cheerfully. “Well, guess I’ll be seeing you tomorrow princess. Yeah?”

I sighed. “Yeah, though I’d really rather lie on a cactus.’

He snickered, and then jogged off, throwing the volleyball at one of his mates and yelling out ‘Think fast!”

I frowned, shaking my head. “Does fate have something on me?”

Skyler dragged me away. “Maybe.”


Separated by a FenceHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin