"Who are you? Joe Goldberg?"

"Oh okay I see how it is." He start wrestling me on the ground.


I get home from Wells's house and throw all my school stuff on the ground. I ate dinner at his house this time so I didn't need to order or make anything. Mom is still at work and probably won't be getting home until 4am like always.

It's been so lonely with mom at work and dad gone. I always try and spend as much time at Wells house as possible so I'm not left lonely at home. I think that's why mom always takes the night shifts. She can sleep through the whole day while I'm gone at school and then be busy all night. It works her I guess.

I spend the night watching TV on the couch.

Lexa's POV:

(Same day but back at 6:30am)

I wake up to my alarm and roll out of bed. I put on black jeans, a black graphic-t, an oversized dark blue sweatshirt and my blue Jordan's. I decide to not wear any makeup today. My hair is looking a little dirty so I put on my blue LA dodgers cap so it can cover my hair.

Instead of making breakfast just for me, I also make some for Aiden. I make two breakfast wraps and then cut up some fruit. I wrap up Aidens in tinfoil and eat mine. I finish getting ready for school. I text him to hurry up and get downstairs.

In the car I give him his breakfast and we head to school. I give him a kiss on the head good bye and drive to my school.

For block one I have English. I hate English because I'm not good at analyzing texts or writing. I have this class with Lincoln but we sit at opposite ends of the room so I never get to talk to him during that class. Our teacher is already introducing a group project. It's going to be on our Macbeth unit we did before break. I fucking hated that unit. I never paid attention so I know this project won't be good.

We have to be in groups of 4 so I pair up with Lincoln, Nylah and Roan. We have full creative control to do whatever we want for this project, we just have to show the main points of the play. We decide on doing a reenactment of the most important scenes. We get two weeks to finish this project.

Block two is foods class. All we do is cook and do assignments about what we make. It's really easy. The one bad thing is Costia is in this class. I purposely switched into this class at the start of the semester so I could be with her. Now look how that worked out. I had skipped this class yesterday because I did not want to see her.

I was sitting at my table nervously waiting for her to walk in the room at any time but she never did. Thank god. I did not want to see her at all. I am still so mad about it. How she is mad at me when she was the one who cheated. It makes no sense.

Block three rolls around and thank god it's lunch. I decide to actually hang out with my friends this time instead of hiding from them like yesterday.

I go to the parking lot where we meet. Nyko and Lincoln are already there. We wait until Sophia, Baylie and Jamie showed up. Then we all got into Lincoln's truck and drove to the park we always go to for lunch.

"So Lexa where were you yesterday?" Asked Sophia.

"Oh.. I just didn't feel good." I lied. I looked up at Lincoln and he was already looking at me with a sympathetic face.

"Oh okay, you feel better now tho?

"Yea I feel better."

"Where's Costia? Is she hanging out with her friend group instead today?" Asked Jamie.

I was about to lie. Tell them that she was hanging out with her other friends. But I decided it would be easier to tell them now than them finding out later by someone else. I mean god knows who Costia has already told.

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