☾ 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 12 ☽

115 4 8

Y/N's POV ˚˖°

Six o'clock was rolling around so I grabbed my messenger bag and shoved all the stuff I needed in there.

I wrote a post-it note telling Lawrie I was over Gerard's for band practice since he was asleep.

I walk through the front door, lock it and walk over to Gerard's porch.

Suddenly I'm met with Frank standing in the kitchen when I walk into the house.

"Hey..." I say awkwardly.


"I'm sorry."

"I know."

"You should be sorry too."

He stopped looking through the fridge and turned to me, "Did you find out?"

I nodded, I swear I could feel my eyes start to well up with tears. "It's whatever Frank, it doesn't matter anymore. Um, where's Gerard?" I rub my eyes while asking.

"In his room I think, or in Mikey's."

"Thanks." I turn away from him and run upstairs and into Gerard's room. Not in here. I run into Mikey's room right next to his and find both of them playing games.

"Hey guys." I say, standing in the doorway.

"Hey, wait, I thought you weren't allowed over here?.." Mikey asked, pausing the game for both of them.

"I lied, told Lawrie it was for band practice. Ph yeah, I can't come over here for two weeks unless I tell him it's for band practice."

"We don't have practice tonight though..?"

"That is the point Mikey, I'm lying, which is great. Gerard, we have, important things to..discuss..?" I say grabbing Gerard by his hands and pulling him into his room.

"Everything is fun when you lie, sugar." Gerard said, pulling his door shut as I sit down on his bed.

"Oh I very much agree. Now, what to do?" I ask as he sits next to me, him putting an arm around my waist. "Oh wait, I know. We need do actually need to talk about something."

He cocked his head to the side and raised an eyebrow. "What would that be then?"

"I need to know more about being a vampire. All I know is it has been 2 days since you bit me, I still have the scar from being bit, and my eyes are supposedly red? I don't even know at this point."

"I almost forgot about that. Um, well, what did you want to know?"

"Is garlic really that bad? How long can we be in the sunlight? What is actually able to kill us?"

"Well, garlic is fine in small amounts, cloves are not good for us though. They won't kill us but can make us very sick. As long as we're not in direct sunlight we'll be fine. And if we are in direct sunlight nothing will really happen as long as we're either covered up enough or not out in it for very long.

The only thing that's truly able to kill us is a stake in the heart. Other than that, nothing can really harm us. Oh also, you are basically immortal now."

I'm pretty sure my mouth was hanging open. "Immortal?! Holy shit!" Gerard just looked at me smiling. "Okay, I'm immortal now, sick. But what about the whole food situation? Can I still eat normal food, or just blood? And does it have to be human blood, or can it be animal blood?"

"Yes you can eat regular food, you just don't need it as much as you need blood. You don't need human blood either, animals are better honestly. I'll take you hunting either tomorrow or the day after so you can get a feel for it."

We spend around another hour talking about vampire stuff and a bunch of other things before Donna knocks on the door and cracked it open a little.

"Hey guys, just letting you know that dinner is done if you're hungry. Oh and Frank went home, if you two could hang out with Mikey for at least a little that'd be nice."

"We'll hang out with him after dinner mom, is that alright?" Gerard asked as we both stood up. She nodded with a smile before leaving and walking downstairs. Soon Gerard and I were following behind and into the kitchen to grab our food. Mikey and Donald were already sitting at the table and eating while Donna was preparing our plates. She didn't have to do that, she's so sweet.

She handed me my plate. Oh my god she made spaghetti and meatballs, my fucking favourite. I say down at the table and Herard sat next to me, leaving Donna to sit at the head of the table. I could've sworn I jusg inhaled my whole plate I ate so fast, but that's just what happens when you're eating good food.

I put my plate in the sink and thanked Donna for dinner. Mikey and Gerard had already gone upstairs so I went up too. I checked Gerard's room: no one. So obviously they were in Mikey's. I went in and jumped onto the bed, tackling Mikey while Gerard just watched from the desk chair and laughed.

"What's up Mikes?" I ask laying almost on top of him.

"Get off me. Please." He groaned and tried to push me off him.

"Ugh, fine." I roll over and sit up on the edge of the bed. "I'm not that heavy am I?" I ask jokingly.

"No, you're not, it's just unfair that I can't tackle you back."

"And who said you can't?"

"..no one actually.."

"That's right, so maybe do try tackling me next time." I chuckle before turning to look at Gerard. "So, what're we going to do before I have to go back home?"

"We could watch a movie." Gerard said.

"Or play some video games." Mikey suggested.

The boys went back and forth a little, listing option after option.

As they talked about what to do I checked the time on my phone.

"Listen boys, I would love to hang out more but it's 8:10 and I should get home before Lawrie figures out I'm lying. Bye!" I kiss Gerard on the cheek and wave to both of them before running out of the room, downstairs and out the front door.

I walk into my house and go into the living room. Lawrie's passed out, not surprising. There is something surprising though, there's a girl laying next to him on the couch. Lawrie has never been able to get a girlfriend, sure some hookups, maybe a middle school girlfriend, but when he tells girls that I live with him and that he has to basically watch me, they leave so damn fast. Though, I feel like I've seen this girl a few times here before. Her name is Addy I think.

I smile at them before taking my portable camera out of my bag and taking a photo. So sweet. I saw Lawrie start to move so I run upstairs into my room before he even notices I was there.

Thank god I'm quick. Wait. Since when can I run fast?

Words - 1,174

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