23. Siege Preparations.

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Thilia rides on Brego. She's mostly slumped over the horse's neck, exhausted and trying to regain her strength. Coming up on a hill, she was faced with a huge army. It's obvious from the flags and the white hand marks on the armor that its the army of Saruman. Riding away and pulling up her hood to hide her bright hair, the two of them get far away and head in the direction of Helm's Deep.

Arriving at Helm's Deep, Thilia could see the road to the front gates. Smiling she patted Brego's shoulder, she cooed to him in Draconic. "Algbo authot, Brego, sia sune." (Well done, Brego, my friend.) She rides up to the fortress and into the courtyard. Villagers are noting her presence and rejoicing. Gimli having heard the people call out her name, pushed to the front. "Where is she! Where is she! Get out of my way! I'm gonna kill her!" he growled angrily and worriedly.

When he stood before her, he pointed his finger at her, "You are the luckiest, the cunningest, and most reckless woman I ever knew!" Gimli then throws his arms around her, "Bless you, lassie!" accepting his hug, she pulled away and held his shoulders. "Gimli, where is everyone?" Gimli then nodded in the direction she needed. Getting to the top, Thilia is met by Legolas. Her stepbrother looked relieved to see her.

But Legolas doesn't hug her the same way that Gimli did, "Le abdollen." (You're late.) he said as he reached out and held the back of her neck. Mirroring him, they pressed their foreheads together and greeted each other that way. Pulling away he really took in her appearance. "You look terrible." she chuckled weakly, before patting him on the shoulder. Èowyn sees them. A smile spreads across her face and a weight is lifted from her chest.


Théoden is sitting inside, and Thilia pushes both doors open and enters. Aragorn stands from his seat next to Théoden and a smile fills his face. A body suddenly collides with her, "Ouf." she grunts as the body is firm and heavy as she is tired and weak. "Boromir," she sighs out happy to have him in her arms. Shifting her arm into the embrace, having used the door to catch herself, she wrapped it around Boromir's waist.

Pulling away, she looked him in the eye, "Give me a bit of time, and I'll let you rant at me all you want." she said and he nodded. Stepping over to the King, she explained everything she'd seen, "A great host, you say?" she nodded to his statement. "All Isengard is emptied." Thilia added. "How many?" Théoden asked and she sighed, "Ten thousand strong at least." Théoden turns to face Thilia.

"Ten thousand?!" he gasped and she nodded. "It is an army bred for a single purpose: to destroy the world of Men." Thilia stated. "They will be here by nightfall." she added, having figured it out because of how long it took her to get to Helm's Deep herself. "Let them come." the King said confidently, but Thilia thought he was being stupid. Théoden walks outside, Thilia, Aragorn, Boromir, Legolas and Gimli following him.

"I want every man and strong lad able to bear arms, to be ready for battle by nightfall." he ordered as he walked by, "We will cover the causeway and the gate from above. No army has ever breached the deeping wall or set foot inside the Hornburg." he added overly confident now. Thilia was getting mad. Gimli seeing this stepped up, "This is no rabble of mindless orcs. These are Uruk-hai. Their armor is thick and their shields broad." he tried to argue but it was pointless.

"I have fought many wars, Master Dwarf. I know how to defend my own keep." He said and then walked off. Thilia kept back for a moment, she wanted to hit something, but she was afraid she'd break something important. Catching up, she walked behind the king with Aragorn a pace ahead and Boromir to her side, her brother and cousin walking behind her. "Not only does the way he thinks, boggles my mind but the fact that he isn't taking in our warnings is boiling my blood."

She said to Boromir softly. He nodded, "These are his people, he wants to protect them his way," Boromir pointed out, "Great he can do that, all I asked for was that he take in the information we have from having first hand experience in fighting these creatures." she added and Boromir didn't argue, he knew she was right. But no amount of conversation would change the king's mind. He grew up with his father being this way towards him and his brother. 

"They will break upon this fortress like water on rock. Saruman's hordes will pillage and burn, we've seen it before. Crops can be resown. Homes rebuilt. Within these walls, we will outlast them." Aragorn had finally snapped. "They do not come to destroy Rohan's crops or villages. They come to destroy its people. Down to the last child!" the King turned to face Aragorn, they were barely a foot away from each other.

"What would you have me do? Look at my men. Their courage hangs by a thread. If this is to be our end, then I would have them make such an end as to be worthy of remembrance!" The King snapped back. "Send out riders, my lord. You must call for aid." Thilia called out, Aragorn never took his eyes off of Théoden, but Théoden looked at her from over Aragorn's shoulder. Boromir reached out and set his hand on Aragorn's shoulder to hold him back if need be.

 "And who will come. Elves? Dwarves? We are not so lucky in our friends as you. The old alliances are dead." Théoden snapped, "Gondor will answer." Aragorn said and Boromir's body froze. His hand tightened on Aragorn's shoulder. Thilia quickly grabbed the back of Boromir's tunic to keep him by her side. "Gondor? Where was Gondor — " the king started to say, but then Boromir stepped up, "We have fought tirelessly and to the death of our own people,"

He started, "We have kept your lands from being over run for many generations. By the blood of my people your lands are kept safe. So don't ask where is Gondor. We do not have the manpower to help our own people." he said the last bit being very honest, he loved that Aragorn was putting hope into their people, but even he knew they couldn't come to help Rohan. Stepping back Boromir leaned into Thilia heavily. 

She patted the back of his head and leaned her own into his. Théoden sighed, he knew that what he had planned to argue would upset the Gondorian male, but he wanted to make the Ranger mad and was glad that Lord Boromir had spoken up, stopping him. "Lord Boromir, you have my apologies," Boromir waved it off thankfully and Théoden walked off continuing to give his orders. 

"Get the women and children into the caves." Gamling, Théoden's new second in command frowned, "We need more time to lay provisions for a siege, lord —" but the King shook his head, "There is no time. War is upon us!" Gamling nodded and turned to his men, "Secure the gate."


Merry and Pippin are riding Treebeard. "The Ents have not troubled about the wars of men and wizards for a very long time. But now something is about to happen that has not happened for an age: Entmoot." Merry frowned and looked down at Treebeards barky face, "What's that?" Treebeard replied with a deep, "It is a gathering." Merry happily curious asked, "A gathering of what?"

Ents step out of the forest and surround them. All of them different in some way. "Beech, Oak, Chestnut, Ash. Good, good, good many have come. Now we must decide if the Ents will go to war." Treebeard states, Pippin is a bit worried but Merry is grinning.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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