15. Sméagol and Gollum.

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Frodo, Sam and Gollum walk along a stream. The two hobbits watch as Gollum tries to catch a fish. "Hey! Don't go getting too far ahead!" Sam calls ahead. Frodo knows Sam could and would have added a mean nickname but for the purpose of being a bit nicer even by a tiny bit, he kept the names out or to a very minimum. "What do you have planned Mr. Frodo?" asked as he moved closer to Frodo.

"I need him to think that we're believing him and trusting him," he said, "So conversations like this need to be too a minimum, also you can't be too nice or he'll get suspicious. Sam nodded. "How are you feeling Mr. Frodo?" Sam asked and the look on his face said all he wanted was the truth about how the ring was affecting him, "It's getting heavy, I can feel it trying to use me, there are times when staring at it calms it down." Frodo said,

Sam nodded. "Then I will make sure that you at least eat so even if you can't sleep at least you won't be hungry." Sam said and Frodo smiled, it was times like this that Frodo really missed home and Thilia, she would do the same thing that Sam's doing. It really helped him a lot to have Sam help him this way. It made planning their next more easier when all Frodo had to focus on is the ring and getting into Mordor.


It's night, and Frodo and Sam are sleeping. Gollum is awake. The Ring is in Frodo's fist. "We wants it, we needs it. Must have the Precious." gollum purrs, "They stole it from us. Sneaky little hobbitses. Wicked, tricksy, false!" Gollum snarls softly as he sits hunched a little ways away from the two sleeping hobbits. "No! No! Master!" Sméagol gasps out with wide eyes. Gollum with a glaring grin snaps out, "Yes. Precious first. They will cheat you, hurt you, lie!"

Sméagol with soft brows and a smile says, "Master's my friend." "You don't have any friends. Nobody likes you." Gollum says with a mocking grin and a head shake. Sméagol covers his ears. "Not listening. Not listening." He whimpers out. "You're a liar, and a thief." Gollum hisses. Sméagol with a confident smile shakes his head, "No." he says denying all of Gollum's words. "Murderer!" Gollum growls.

Sméagol starts to weep, "Go away." "Go away?!" Gollum mocks as he starts to laugh. "I hate you, I hate you!" Sméagol sobs. "Where would you be without me?" Gollum snaps before choking on his name, "gollum gollum, I saved us. It was me. We survived because of me!" Gollum growls out. Sméagol shifting to a more confident position, says, "Not anymore." Gollum is annoyed and surprised. "What did you say?" he hisses out.

"Master looks after us now. We don't need you." Sméagol says softly, "What?" Gollum says actually confused. "Leave now and never come back." Sméagol orders. "No!" Gollum growls. "Leave now and never come back!" Sméagol says more forcefully. "Argh!" gollum growls even more. Sméagol emphatically repeats what he said, "Leave now and never come back!" When there is no answer,

Sméagol is panting and looking around and realizes Gollum is gone. "We told him to go away! And away he goes Precious. Gone, gone, gone, Sméagol is free!" Sméagol is cheering and dancing around at finally being free.

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