4. Banished from Rohan & Down from the North

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On the banks of the Isen river, bodies of men and horses lie in the rain. Men on horseback approach. A rider, Èomer, calls to his men, "Théodred. Find the king's son!" a man on foot is walking around searching as he growls out an angry, "Mordor will pay for this." Èomer while kicking over and orc says, "These Orcs are not from Mordor." doing this revealing a white handprint on its armor.

"My Lord Èomer. Over here!" another rider shouts as he rushes to Théodred and turns him over. "He's alive!" he gasps. The group of horsemen ride across the plain. Èomer carries the wounded Théodred in front of him. A woman runs up the stairs to the Golden Hall of Meduseld and enters a chamber where Èomer has taken Théodred. She kneels in front of the bed. "Théodred!" she gasps.

Èomer gives his sister a meaningful look, and Èowyn draws back the covers and sees that Théodred's wound is fatal. It causes her to grimace.


The two are with king Théoden, who is sitting motionless on his throne, looking aged beyond his years. "Your son is badly wounded my lord." she says softly, Èomer passing behind his  sister touches her elbow before standing on the other side of the throne before his uncle, "He was ambushed by orcs. If we don't defend our country, Saruman will take it by force." he informed, keeping it simple but informative for the sake of his Uncle's mind. 

"That is a lie!" a cold wet voice said as the owner of it rounded a corner, Gríma appears from the shadows and walks to the king. "Saruman the White has ever been our friend and ally." Èomer holds in a sneer of disgust. Théoden mumbles feebly to Gríma, who leans closer to the King. "Orcs are roaming freely across our lands. Unchecked, unchallenged, killing at will." Èomer says as he talks to his uncle. "Orcs bearing the white hand of Saruman."

Èomer drops a helmet onto the ground. It has the white hand print on it. Gríma leans into the king's armrest. A wince of his own cracks into his once fake worried expression, "Why do you lay these troubles on an already troubled mind? Can you not see? Your uncle is wearied by your malcontent, your warmongering." he hisses out, only looking at Èomer from the corners of his eyes.

Èomer's eyes flicker to Gríma, and rage is barely contained there. "Warmongering?!"


After the meeting and not in front of his sister or Uncle, Èomer grabs Gríma and pushes him against a pillar. "How long is it since Saruman bought you? What was the promised price, Gríma? When all the men are dead you would take a share of the treasure?" Gríma's eyes flick to right, watching Èowyn as she walks by, who stops to stare back for a moment before departing. Èomer jerks Gríma again and clutches his hand around Gríma's jaw.

"Too long have you watched my sister. Too long have you haunted her steps." Èomer is barely keeping his anger in as he threatens Gríma for stalking his sister and brainwashing his uncle. Gríma's eyes look to the left and he relaxes, and Èomer is pulled off Gríma by guards. "You see much, Èomer son of Èomund. Too much." Gríma says as men pull Èomer back from Gríma, as Èomer struggles in the men's grasp, one of them punches him.

He groans, but continues to fight to get free, "You are banished forthwith from the kingdom of Rohan, and all its domains, under pain of death." Gríma says trying to sound like he's in charge, and the one who want's Èomer gone, even though he does it wasn't him that decided it. "You have no authority here. Your orders mean nothing." Èomer growls still struggling. "This order does not come from me. It comes from the king." Gríma says with a little gasp,

Gríma displays a order with a sunburst seal and a scrawled signature. "He signed it this morning." Èomer tries to lunge for Gríma but the guards pull him out and away from him, even as he's shouting. 


It had taken several long days for Thilia and Boromir to come down from the Dragon's land. when they reached familiar lands they realized they were only a few miles west of the Grey Mountains. After they passed Lothlórien, they knew where they had to go. As well as Thilia could pick up the tail ends of Gimli's and Aragorn's scent. Legolas didn't sweat or smell heavily of anything other than autumn leaves. 

"They're headed for Rohan," she said and they started moving. "It's only a matter of time before we run into them." she said and a smile broke out onto Boromir's face. As they travelled she made sure to check on Boromir regularly, so make sure he was okay. But as they hours went on, he looked to be gaining his strength back. Which made her feel much better. Night fell quickly, and with the timing they were making, they could take a night to rest. 

It wasn't a long rest the pair were too eager to get moving but it was something long enough for them to eat and to feed and water their horses. Then before the sun even rose they were back in the saddle and moving again. 

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