Wholesome Foodrun

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Logan had been nagging Thomas for days now about the state of his fridge, which was barren to say the least. And while the aspect of ordering in was quite soothing when it came to Virgil's social anxiety, Thomas knew that it wasn't very practical on the long run. So he eventually gave in and drove to the grocery store. While none of his sides were visible for that trip, he could still hear them in the back of his mind.
"Let's get some cookies!", Patton insisted, completely interrupting Thomas' train of thoughts. He chuckled and went to reach for the package, only for Logan to interrupt: "Cookies are not very nutritious. Thomas, you should rather focus on a balanced diet, not ignore all of the main food groups."
Thomas sighed and ignored the discussion between Logan and Patton for now, grabbing both the cookies and a salad to appease them. Right as he went to go check out, he noticed a rather unusual sound from the soup aisle. And despite Virgil's nervousness when it came to social interaction, he decided to check it out.

David didn't have anything against going out of his house. He rather enjoyed it, to be exact. But he didn't enjoy large groups of people or limited space with his claustrophobia. The grocery store had both. When he first entered, he thought that he had it under control, he would just buy what he needed and leave again. Right around the soup aisle, his throat started to close up and his knees started to shake.
"Oh, no, not now", he whispered under his breath, but by then, it was too late. David was in the middle of a panic attack. He didn't sit down, instead stabilising himself with his shopping cart while he closed his eyes as tightly as he could. Everything started to blurr together, his heart rate, his breathing, the sounds around him. He couldn't focus on anything...until a voice next to him pulled him out of it, like he had been underwater and a sailor had pulled him to the surface.

Thomas looked at the man in front of him, with his chin long black hair, scarf, jeans jacket and slightly panicked expression. He reminded him a bit of Virgil right after his anxiety attacks.
"Hey...are you alright now?", he asked and immediately felt stupid for asking such a question. Obviously, the other man was not doing well. Thomas could practically feel Virgil cringing at his choice of words, though he didn't say anything. To his surprise, he watched as the other person nodded and straightened himself up.

"Yeah, I'm good now...thanks for asking".
David managed a smile, though he was still busy calming down his heartrate, he wasn't sure it was all from the panic attack. He did really feel a bit better and he could slowly feel himself relax. The man in front of him wore a red t-shirt with a big yellow star on it, his brown eyes carrying a warmth that was almost contagious.
"I'm sorry, that usually doesn't happen to me. It all just got a bit...Nevermind, I don't want to bore you", he laughed, "Thanks again."

Thomas felt himself smile as soon as he saw David smile. He had gotten over the initial surprise and now Roman was taking charge.
"Come on, Thomas, ask him for his name. Or at least introduce yourself, be brave and daring!", his fabolous side exclaimed in his head. Which Thomas decided to follow after initial hesitation.
"No problem, I know the feeling. My name is Thomas, what's yours?", he asked and leaned against his shopping cart, just to have something to hold onto.

David had meanwhile completely regained his balance. And while he had originally wanted to leave as quickly as possible, now he found himself wanting to stay a bit longer.
"David. It's nice to meet you, really", he replied. Just as he was about to dust off his experience with smalltalk, his phone made a noise, causing him to close his eyes in frustration.
"I'm sorry, I gotta go. Here's my number, in case you want to talk again", he quickly added and scribbled down his number on the back of his shopping list, handing it over just before walking away. David was quite surprised that he had acted so quickly, it wasn't like him.

"Of course, bye!", he called after him. Thomas stared down at the piece of paper in his hand. He knew that his day would not be as boring as he had initially thought, because he could hear both Roman and Patton squeal inside of his head. This would probably result in a long discussion with...well, himself.

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