Chapter 5

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One night, Bot decided to search for any information they could find about their parents' murder. They came across the police database and searched the case. They sighed in annoyance.
"It's encrypted," They mumbled.
They went to a forum dedicated to technology and coding. They looked up "police encryption hack" and got no results. They sighed. They checked the other forum, and they frequented about cold cases. They made a post, "Trying to get more information on the FanTube cold case." They sent the post out and waited.

They suddenly got a message in their DMs from a user named "Deathor64." The message read "Hey." Nervous, they replied the same.
Deathor64 replied, "You're investigating the cold case too?"
Bot responded with, "Yeah, didn't you see my post?"
Deathor64 replied, "Based on your post history, you seem very passionate about this case. Why is that?"

Bot didn't know what to reply with. They typed out something along the lines of "I miss them" and then immediately deleted it. They then typed out something that they were nervous to share but shared anyway, hoping this would make the other user understand.
They replied with, "Because I was the only witness."
Deathor64 started typing and then stopped.
"Shit, shit, shit," Bot mumbled, thinking they messed it up.
Deathor64 sent their discord user name.
Bot quickly sent the friend request, and as soon as they did, Deathor64 called them. Bot accepted the call, and soon, the face of a boy their age that they didn't know was on their screen. Deathor64 was a spell jar.
"Hey," he said.
Bot turned on their camera.
"Hey," Bot said.
Deathor64's eyes widened when they realized who they were talking to. "No... way..."

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