
" look you can actually touch stingrays with two fingers here "

Ni-ki gestured towards an exposed pool teeming with stingrays effortlessly gliding in various paths. He eagerly immersed his hand up to his elbow into the water and gently made contact with one of the stingrays, withdrawing his arm with a slight hop.

" woah lemme try "

Sunoo did the same and squeaked at the weird sensation of something lightly brushed against his fingers, only to find that it was Ni-ki touching him instead of a stingray.

" Yah! "

He glared at the younger who was laughing at him before he tried again this time he succeeded making him grin widder.

Amber painted eyes twinkled every time he would turn to look at all those tropical fishes, bright lights reflecting on his skin like flary North pole aurora sky.

Ni-ki couldn't help but feel a constant pain as he gazed at the older. His beauty was so captivating to him, causing his heart to ache. He found himself tightly gripping his shirt above his racing heart which always seemed to go wild whenever the older was around.

" Let's take pictures there "

Sunoo pulled on his sleeve and directed his attention towards the jellyfish tank. Following their visit to the jellyfish exhibit, they explored other areas of the aquarium and paused occasionally to capture pictures until they eventually grew hungry.

" It's almost dinner time, have you let the cook know that we will be dining out tonight? "

Ni-ki asked while fixing the older's jacket due to the dropping temperature, and noticed his flushed cheeks, causing him to sigh.

" Yes I did, she said " have fun "

Sunoo answered, mimicking the old lady's tone before giggling on his own making the younger smile as he stared down at him.

He silently took off his green muffler and wrapped it around the older's neck who stilled, looking up at him with his sparkly eyes.

" what about you? "

He shyly asked, and Ni-ki replied with a reassuring smile and a simple "I'm okay," before guiding him towards the car.

During the entire journey in the car and throughout their dinner, Sunoo relentlessly talked about their visit to the aquarium. He reminisced about getting lost there as a child, revealing that his mother forbade him from setting foot in the aquarium ever since.

Ni-ki couldn't help but listen to him with a soft smile on his face as he enthusiastically recounted his small adventures to his boyfriend. He had to repeatedly remind Sunoo to eat before engaging in conversation.

There was something oddly gratifying about watching him eat his food, and simply gazing at the older made him feel satiated. He could watch him eating wholeheartedly, with his mouth full and cheeks filled up like an adorable puffer fish, and his small lips formed a slight pout. However, he knew better than to ever nickname him a puffer fish again, as last time he got yelled at because he called him a puffer fish while having breakfast.

He laughed as he recalled the memory before he continued eating, nodding eagerly in agreement with everything the older was saying.

Following their enjoyable meal, they made the choice to indulge in an ice cream treat at a park located pretty far away from their neighbourhood luckily, and to briefly stroll around before returning home.

" Hold on, I will purchase some ice cream, go wait there "

Ni-ki gestured towards the fountain, and Sunoo flashing him a charming smile before sauntering over, swaying his hips gracefully before taking a seat by the fountain.

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