As I started my long walk to the selector's gazebo, I listened closely to the announcer and kept glancing towards the water, as it could be seen from pretty much anywhere.
Announcer: "Heat 1 competitors, please head to the pool."

It was almost go time for Bodhi's heat and after a couple minutes the voice of the loudspeaker returned.

Announcer: "Here we go, by the end of today, four girls and four boys will be selected for the State team."
I sighed, hopefully I'm one of them!
I looked to the water and watched one of the girls who had just got on a wave. The announcer spoke again.
Announcer: "It's an unforgiving arena. Each competitor only gets two waves. Best score counts. And just like that, a simple mistake will cost you big time."
Everyone gasped as she fell from her board.

Bohdi took the next wave and did absolutely amazing, her technique was on point, there was not one correction you could give.
Announcer: "And that puts Mercer in second place overall, but still plenty more surfing to come."
"Yes Bohdi!" I cheered.
Announcer: "We've got a few new faces on the Victorian circuit this year. Hungry for a spot and ready to shake things up."
New faces? Mhm, I know I'm one of them but who are the others?

Announcer: "Here goes Radic in green."
I turned my head back to the water as I continued to walk, I didn't recognise him or his surfing style, so he must be one of the new faces.
Announcer: "Showing great power and creativity. Last year's State reps, like Tommy Ahmed, had better be on their A game."
I watched as the wave lowered into a ripple and he finished stood up on his board, perfectly. Wow.

"Come on, you watched me surf in a competition like 4 days ago!"
"Yeah, we saw you, alright? But you're not surfing now or at nationals. We're not risking injury."
"What are you talking about! My foot it fine now! I rested it for a whole week! I can surf! You saw me!"
"I'm sorry. Try again next year."
"Next year!? I can't compete next year! Please just give me a chance, I have worked my ass off for this!"
"So has everyone else."
"Please, just give me a shot!"
"I'm sorry, but our decision is final, you're not competing. We are not risking further injury."

There was no way I was taking no for an answer,
I rushed away from the gazebo's and straight towards the boys changing rooms. I slammed the door open, thankfully there was only one person in there. The person I needed, Ari.

"Okay, real talk. I need your help." I said placing my hand on his shoulder, he was sat down on one of the benches. "Oh. Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt your ball squeezing." I stifled my laugh.
Ari: "No, it's just some exercise from the therapist."
"Cool, I'm glad you're seeing him, by the way, you seem, better? That's not the right word, I don't know what the right word is?.." I rambled.
Ari: "I am." He smiled. "You needed help with something?"
"Right, sorry. So, the dumb-ass selectors told me I can't compete. So I'm thinking, if you could just distract the official for, like, 10 seconds, I could sneak down to the take-off during a heat, jump in the pool, and, boom, take my shot!"
"No?" I repeated.
Just then another boy came in, the one I had seen during his heat. I could hardly forget him, especially when he looks like that.. His hair was dyed a bubblegum pink, he had piercing ocean blue eyes, a gold septum piercing, he looked just over six foot and his body, wow, he was sculpted like a Greek god..

Ari: "Mate, how'd you go?" He said turning to the pink haired boy, tapping him on the arm.
"Yeah..." He replied nodding before his eyes drifted to me. "Last time I checked this was the boys changing room?"
"Yeah, well I've never been one to follow rules. Have I, Ari?"
Ari: "Definitely not."
"A rebel, are we?" He said raising an eyebrow.
"Something like that." I smirked.

Ari turned back to me and the other boy began sorting his stuff.
Ari: "Listen, just so we're clear, you're asking me to risk disqualification to get you in the water?" He whispered.
"I broke the rules for you." I said, quietly. "A year ago I got you on that ferry and you made your final. Help a girl out!"
Ari: "Summer, it's cool that you're so passionate about surfing. Really, it is. But this is the last year that we can go to Nationals. It's the big leagues and I'm an actual chance."
I sighed.
Ari: "I'm sorry." He whispered, before walking around me and out of the changing room.
I stood there for a moment, the remaining boy looked straight at me. I lifted my head as he took a step towards me. Our eyes met.

Pink {Baxter Radic}Where stories live. Discover now