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"Jin hyung"
Kook runned towards him. Jin catch him in his arms

"Good morning your empress " dramatically bowing making little empress giggled

"Good morning " omega greet back

" why so angry in early morning hmm? "

"I am so upset "kook complain with a big pout

" my Goodness why is the empress of Solar is upset?" Seokjin the beta asked

" because of alpha "

" what did his emperor did making his Luna upset?"

" he walked around naked"

The maids gasp and some became shy because they saw the said alpha shirtless sometimes remembering how well built his body is.

" what you all doing? Go do your work" kook spat not liking the reactions his statements got.

" your empress don't say like this a good queen never show their anger"

" Okieee Okieee " the little empress pout again


" your emperor those black pack is not backing off" namjoon one of the trusted man of the Emperor gave the information he got.

" What they want?" the emperor asked

" they are demanding the east-west utopia" Alpha hoseok answerd

" they are saying that area belongs to them" another beta added

The emperor hmmed.

" Your emperor if you want we can go there-"the emperor cut off an alpha

"They won't sit quite like this."

"your emperor we should declare a war on them" Jimin said

"war is not always the solution. We need a solid reason to declare any war" the emperor made them understand.

"Let's talk to them then. Hoseok"
The emperor called his Another trusted alpha.

" yes your emperor"

"We are going to utopia tomorrow. Get everything ready we will go in morning"

"Seokjin did yoongi send any update?"

" Yes your emperor. Our soliders are fighting with their full energy. Looks like we will win"

" Never be over confident. Don't underestimate your enemies."

"My Apology Your emperor" he bow down a little.

"Hmm did king Antony agrees with the conditions? "

" your emperor he is demanding for more grain in exchange of weapons"

"This is the reason why we should send our young pups to study abroad. They may not have agriculture technology but they are more developed in scientific research"

"Yes your emperor."

" we should build better schools and universities in our Empire"

"we can call Engineers from Germany on your order. " Jimin inform

"Hmm let this war end First then we can think about it later" the emperor said.

"your emperor" a solider come in court room bowing down infront of the emperor

"His empress is asking for you? His empress is outside"

"Alpha can I comee" well it wasn't permission it was the announcement and soon a bunny boy come in picture

" Alphaaaaa" he runned but the little boy tripped and fell.

And here our emperor got a heart attack he rushed towards the Luna who was on the ground along with other people present there .

"Luna you alright " jimin asked the said Luna who was on his alpha's lap now

"are you hurt? Bub"
"is it paining too much?"( was it too much - OK sorry)
"let me call Doctor "
Kook was welcomed by alpha's question. He face plam

" I am okie ahh alpha"(no dirty thoughts) the omega shocked more like done with his alpha's over protective ass who carried him and leaving the courtroom

"court dismissed if there is anything important tell alpha jimin he will inform me" the emperor who was all cold a few minutes ago looks like a whipped hubby Now said

"some times I wonder are they same person? "

"I highly doubt that. "

"well The emerpor of solar is different from Jungkook's alpha" jimin said and got a smack of his head

"don't take empress name " Jin warn

"Emperor will it be OK? "

"I don't know myself "

"everything will be okay jiminie hyungie "kook said innocently yet joyfully.

let me tell you what is going on here . So the Luna of solar got to know that his alpha is going somewhere leaving him behind and how can we let his alpha live peacefully (Kook glaring) Uhnm I mean how can kook let his alpha go who know someone will attack him he is only going there to protect his alpha nothing else.

And taehyung of course didn't agree First but finally after making the whole palace up side down and threating his alpha that he will always make him sleep on floor. Kim taehyung the great lost the war with his wife and here we are.

"When we will leave?" kook asked

"Let the horses come bub" the alpha said sweetly Carrying his omega in his arms

Soon the horses arrived. The emperor gave the omega to yoonji and climbed on his horse.

Yoonji gave the omega to alpha and he made the younger sit infront of him caging the little omega between his arms.

"Have a safe journey Alpha and my luna" yoonji said to the alpha and the omega.

"you also" the omega said making them chuckled

"but I am not going anywhere " yoonji reply

"oh so stay home safe " the alpha chuckled again at his omega's words and pinch his cheeks kissing them at last.

" your emperor we are already to go" hoseok inform the emperor

Taehyung again made his cold face and said to his people " I want all to obey to alpha namjoon in my absence and maintain the peace of our nation. If you need anything from me don't hesitate to ask and mind link me I shall answer you all back"

" long live The emperor! Long live the empress! " the crowd said together.

And like this the emperor rode his horse with full speed making the omega infront giggled
Boring? Well the next chapter will be a blast 👀👀👀

BTW my birthday is coming can this book reach 4k reads till 19 janurany 😀😀

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