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Time skip 2 years

"Your Emperor the troop is ready "

"alright. Alpha yoongi will lead the troop" the True Blood said with power in his voice.

"anything else ?" he asked

"No Your emperor " one of the mister said . The True Blood hmmed in response and stand up from his throne. Everyone else there also stand up and bow down in respect.
The True Blood nodded and made his way out of court room.

He passes through hallway and who ever came in his way bow down. He hold such a powerful aura around him. His perfect build up body. Even through he is 17 but his appearance doesn't match with any other alpha of his age.

After all he is an emperor

His empire which he builts up with his strength. He came up as an role model for young alphas and betas. He became an saviour for omegas .

The True Blood came in field. Everyone bow down in respect.

" your emperor " jimin came forward and bow down. The True Blood nodded.

" the practice is going to end soon. I will join soon your emperor " .

The True Blood nodded again and said
" take your time " . He left from there

" alright after push ups you all can go"

" yes alpha park" they all said together .

Jimin took his sword and follow the way of the True Blood.

" You look sad today jimin? "

"it's just you gave me a lot of responsibility " jimin complains
Tae smiled a little.

"you have to jimin I don't trust others you know " tae said in clam Voice.

" you are really something taehyung "

" and what is that? "

" when you are infront of others you gave so powerful aura. They can't even able to Stand infront of you. But when you are with me you give so clam and friendly vibes. Like I can tell anything to you and you will help me-"

" did yoonji rejected you? "

"no she- wait how you know? "

Taehyung chuckled softly and said
" I am your soul mate pabo . Now tell what she said? "

" she said she is waiting for her mate "

" well she is not wrong ."

" I know but it hurts. I really loved her"

" what can we say jimin don't worry you will have your mate too "

Jimin just hmmed.

" so we checked the area it's all safe"

Tae hmmed and rode his horse back to palace. Well it's Taehyung habit to check the boards himself. He really can't trust anyone. So jimin company him while they talk about their day. Well it's always jimin who talks and taehyung listen to his soul mate nonsense everyday but never complain.

While talking they reached the palace.
" take care jimin"

" you too his emperor " jimin laughed and tae shook his head.

Taehyung walked through the hallways and reached his room.

As he opened the door. A bunny jumped on him.

"Alpha I missed you"

" I missed you too my little omega. " taehyung said and his face decor with a boxy smile rare but no for Jungkook.

" Alpha you know today I learned to write and I wrote something for you" kook said smiling brightly showing his bunny teeth.

" oh really? Will my Empress show me what he wrote?. " taehyung sat on bed with his omega on his lap.

" okay but you have to eat something then only. " kook said innocently and taehyung looked at him

" I know you didn't eat anything. " kook said again making taehyung eyes' fill with tear.


" no talking you big alpha. Eat or else I will eat you " kook cutely glaring at his alpha.

" OK OK my queen "

" first go and bath you stinky alpha "

Taehyung didn't argue more and took a bath on his queen's order

( wife is wife no matter who you are 😂😂😂)

Taehyung come out and saw a maid was setting table for them.

" it's not spicy nonna?" kook asked the maid

" no your empress. "the maid reply and bow down when she saw the True blood Shirtless? And she blushed

He nodded . And tell her to go but someone was not happy with it.

"let's eat bun" he said and eat rice

"remove your pants "

Taehyung chocked on his bunny's statement "Huh? "

" you love to showing your body so much? "
Now taehyung got it what jungkook mean. He chuckled making jungkook more angry.

"no good night kisses for you big bad alpha"

So now taehyung messed up so badly

"I am sorry but don't punish your alpha he is stupid you know nahh"

"no I don't know "

Taehyung messed up so badly haha
So the night went by jungkook sleeping on bed and the emperor was sleeping on floor? Not even on couch

" master how you like that" V his wolf said in mocking tone .

"I won't let you mark his wolf If you said something else again " tae growls

" geez fine" v said and taehyung cut the mind link .

Well meet the V the name is giving by jungkook when he learned alphabets. I wanted to name his alpha's wolf and tae being a whipped hubby agreed so when taehyung meet his wolf on his 16th birthday. He named him V and the wolf was happy too well why not his omega himself has named him.
" master master "

"what? " tae asked annoying

" why so angry. Well Luna is sleeping"

" so what? Want me to wake him up"

" like I want to get beaten by his feather like hands. Why are you so dumb?"

" what I did Huh? "

V facepalm himself and cried " why I have such a stupid human"

" will you please speak? "

" you can go and sleep beside him now nahh " V suggest

And taehyung thought why he didn't think about something like that before .

" because you are stupid more like anti romantic my poor mate jungkook"

" stop it " taehyung again cut off the mind link.

He got up and picked up his pillow and walked towards the bed and looked at his omega.

Jungkook was sleeping like a star fish. Taehyung chuckled softly and lay down on bed. He hugged his baby and jungkook sleep peacefully sleep in his alpha's embrace. Taehyung kissed his crown " forgive me but but alpha can't sleep without you"
" listen everyone " all maid turn towards the Luna. Who has looking so adorable with that cute angry face.

" yes your empress "

" From now on No female servant will enter in my room. Understood "

" woah woah why so angry Empress? "


Me is back with my trash honestly I'm not happy with this part I think it's kinda boring . But you all should tell me how it is. BTW congrats everyone our book reach 2K reads 😭😭😭 . I love you all so much.

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