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"jungkook?" she asked "What is the meaning ?"

"PILLER OF THE NATION" taehyung said proudly while smiling at his baby wait his?  

"What is your name? young man " she inquired the little man

"Kim Taehyung" tae said playing with his jungkook. who was smiling looking at his taetae Hyung. "he is adorable"

"You are the son of Kim jaekhyung. the alpha of this kingdom right the only true-blooded in the whole kingdom" she said proudly. tae just hummed the smile on his face disappeared upon hearing the word true-blooded. but he smiled again at the little bunny who was smiling without his teeth maybe he was telling his taetae hyung to smile again heheh.

"Will you take care of your jungkook? taehyung"

tae looked at her he was shocked but happier hearing your jungkook these worlds felt right so good maybe he had someone to call his. he just met the younger a few minutes ago but doesn't know why he wants to protect the younger with his whole heart his wolf was saying to - wait his wolf he is feeling his wolf but why suddenly does this mean his mate is here but if he is here then why he is not coming to his alpha.

"taehyung" he heard his dad's voice "Why are you late huh and what is this? " he said pointing at the baby in his son's hand 

"Father you said that you want me to give you an heir "

"of course are you ready to marry ?" his dad said happily

"Yes" taehyung answered "but I want to marry someone of my own choice and he-"

"he? " he got cut off by his dad "Are you mad you want to marry a boy?" he said angrily 

"Yes why not when the boy is an omega "

"an omega? what really? oh my god taehyung I am so proud of you ." his anger vanishes he comes towards his son and hugs him and taehyung backs away. 

"Father distance please you are crushing Jungkook"

"jungkook what a nice name can I hold him ?"


"but why ?" he asked confusedly this was the second time tae ever said " no". The first time was obviously when he asked him to marry. If Jungkook wasn't an omega his dad would beat the day and night out of Taehyung. But he was beyond happy that his dumb (which he is not) found a male omega, can you believe it is a male omega? He knows how rare this rank is. and he can give birth to a really powerful pup. which can rule all over the world. 

"you go in your room I will prepare the venue of the wedding "

"but he was just born a few hours ago "

"so what ?"

"nothing" tae sighed knowing that he couldn't go against his father's decision. but he chose this path right for himself and the omega. reaching his room he put the pup on his bed. he asked a maid to clean the baby and feed him some milk the maid bowed and was about to take the baby but our great jungkookie cried being a greedy brat he only wanted his hyung to carry him (lyb- such a bra-  tae- you said something jagiya? lyb- nope *sacred*)

at last, jungkook gets what he wants (cuz he is Jay Kay) his hubb- ops I mean his hyung gives him a nice bath and makes him wear some nice clothes and then he wraps his cinnamon roll in a warm blanket. he feeds Kook warm milk and rocks him till he sleeps.  after a world war with his baby, he was finally able to get the younger some sleep. He came down the stairs and ate his breakfast alone nothing new.

he came back in his room and looked at his kook 


"Will you take care of your jungkook"

tae looked at her "But why? You are his mother"

"I am his mother but I won't be able  to protect him I am a weak omega " She finally broke down in tears 

"why are you saying this? please don't cry "

" his dad wants to kill him. because he is an omega you. you know how rare male omega is. everybody wants them in their bed but not in their lives. they use male omega for their needs but no one wants to love them or protect them. I am just an omega I can't protect him nor do I have much time left my mate rejected me he doesn't want me anymore. I don't know when I close my eyes forever but before that day I want to make sure my child my pup is in safe hands taehyung my son I know you are true-blooded and the strongest alpha soon you will also become the pack leader isn't it's your duty to protect the weakest my son is really weak he won't be able to protect himself please I beg you take care of him " she said broke down she doesn't care about her own life but she is so concerned about his son maybe this is why they saidNo one can love you as much as your mother.

"I, Kim Taehyung will protect Kim Jungkook with my whole heart I won't let a single needle touch him. I won't protect him as a member of my pack but as my mate, as my Luna"

to be continued... 


how was this don't be mad at me and if there is any mistake please correct me 

love you.

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