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~Keiji POV~

Before I could find the individual who called me, I had to call Lala, just to tell her that I was gonna be a bit late because "something came up". I hated lying to her, but it's necessary right now.

When I dialed her number, she picked up immediately, kinda surprised about that.

Lala: Keiji?

Keiji: Yeah. Something came up. I'm gonna be a bit late. Can you be a bit more patient for me?

Lala: Anything for you, Keiji. Love you.

Keiji: Love you too, babe.

We hung up as I got on my bike and rode outside of my district.

I know for a fact that where I'm going is Mighty Warriors territory and I have a giant bullseye on my back. So, if any Mighty member tries to come at me, I'm ready to fight.

I was leaving the district and I finally made it to MW's territory, and being here made me feel uneasy. I felt like I was an outsider, even though I really am.

Once I parked on a block, I checked my phone and saw there was a message on there.

?????: Meet me in the alleyway across the street from you.

I looked over and there was an alley across from me.

Me, being the dumbass that I am, followed the directions and walked into the alleyway.

I don't know what I'm getting into, nor do I care, but I know that I'm gonna get jumped from behind sooner than later.

As I walked down the hall of the alley, I heard someone walking behind me.

Being smart, I took out the knife I had on me, brandished the blade, and swung towards the person who was standing behind me, but it took me off my feet and kicked the knife away.

?????: You gotta do better than that, Harada.

I then looked up to see who it was, and I was shaken to my core.

I then looked up to see who it was, and I was shaken to my core

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?????: Remember me? We fought in the container yard.

Keiji: Sarah, isn't it?

Sarah: Lucky guess. Need a hand?

She extended her hand, but I outright refused and stood back up on my feet.

Keiji: Well, this was a waste of time.

Sarah: Harada, I got something that'll be worth your while.

Keiji: No, thanks. I'm already taken.

Sarah: You think that's what this is about? That I have an infatuation for you?

Keiji: Why not? You called me here, it makes sense.

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