Baby Overload

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*ignore how short this part is*
erm also this is a SATIRE book i wrote this solely just to practice my writing and to laugh with my friends

Out of all the people in the world, why me? It hurts so much. I give birth to too much babies, and I mean, TOO MUCH. Literally, every day i give birth to approximately 4 babies. My legs don't even work anymore because of all the birth giving.

"Jajanna, yhew MHOST dyew somtheyng abewt thes." Lawyer Ghuche says with a THICK British accent. "Theh esent anymoh speys tew poot thuh baybeyys anymoh."

Hi. I'm Jajanna. I'm a demialien. Basically, an alien fell in love with my mom, who gave birth to me. Because of this, I cannot stop giving birth. Everywhere I go, everything I do, I can't stop. I've gotten used to it and it's just a part of my life now. The Choak, from the planet of Champon, landed here on Earth around 30 years ago. Gagachakag, my father, impregnated my mom, Sparkle. Now I am condemned to give birth every single day of my life. Ever since MY birth.

And, I've overpopulated Earth with my babies. Before I was born, there were about 8 billion people on Earth. Now, the population has grown exponentially by a trillion. So the President of the U.S sent me to the moon! But it's too dark sadly. But im used to it! Ever since I moved to the Moon, I started to give birth to little ugly aliens! We have to go back to when I was sent to the moon.

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