electric touch - taylor swift

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GRACIE SCOBELL WAS SO MANY THINGS. she was an artist: a singer and a musician. she was a muse for luke. she was a sister for alex. she was a best friend for reggie. she was a support beam for julie. she was a close friend and an inspiration for flynn. she was a poet written by julie, a song composed by luke, and a goddess for the world to look up to.

never in her entire life could gracie imagine to be so loved, to be so seen. but she was. somehow, in some extraordinary way, she was seen.

she had spent her entire life wishing to be loved, to receive and feel it deep in her bones, and she finally could say she was. her parents understood her, her brother was never not smiling as he spoke about her, and her sister realized that she had just as valid dreams as her own. she had a second family with her band, a boy she was silently sure was her soulmate alongside her throughout their entire journey. she had the best friends she could ask for. her heart was brought back to life.

gracie wasn't perfect, but it sure felt like her life was. and not a day went by where she didn't thank the higher beings for it.

gracie and luke silently sat in the studio, waiting for the rest of the band to come back from julie's house, where the ghosts went to grab the girl. she kept her eyes trained on her pick, balancing it between her fingers with the full knowledge of luke's hazel eyes on the side of her face.

it wasn't often that the boy was quiet - in fact it was hard for anyone to shut him up - but gracie always seemed to do it without knowing, silence him. she was always too peaceful, too perfect to be disrupted by him. luke almost always found himself hypnotized by her, putting the boy into a state of such deep enchantment by her beauty and mind and talents. there was no way of denying his endearment for the blonde haired, green eyed girl sitting beside him. just a quick glance in his direction made his breath catch. even the slightest of laughs at one of his dumb jokes made his heart stutter. god, even her presence made his neck and ears heat up.

but... he was a ghost. and there was no changing that. somehow, the newfound fact of their ability to touch made it worse. because he was at the edge of a cliff, ready to jump off and dive down into the deep, dark pit that was tempting him so fiercely... for just one kiss. just one hug. just one more touch and he would never complain again. if anything were to happen, as much as luke would love it and cherish it with every dead cell in his body, it would only hurt her. gracie wouldn't be able to live a normal live with a ghost as her boyfriend. she'd grow old and he'd stay a teen, he had to accept that. if he tried to push what he craved for, she'd never get married, never experience real teenage love, and never be able to even introduce him to her family.

not a day went by that luke wished he had never eaten that spoiled hot dog. then again, he wouldn't have met her.

"you're awfully quiet over there." gracie said lightly, flickering her eyes over to his face. luke cleared his throat, instantly whipping his head from her face.

he scratched his head as he attempted to casually lay back on the couch, "yeah?"

"yeah," she chuckled softly, making him swallow roughly, "what's goin' on in that pretty little talented mind of yours?"

his lips parted and gracie smiled at the way his chest rose and fell more rapidly. finally, he stammered out, "little?"

gracie adjusted so she could face the ghost on the couch, one leg pulled up and crossed under the other. she tilted her head just slightly, trying to catch his eye, "luke...?"

she softly sang his name in a way that made the mentioned boy's jaw twitch. his eyes rolled around the room before he slowly turned to face her, an action which instantly lit up her face. he almost forced himself to look away again, this wasn't helpful.

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