mess it up - gracie abrams

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GRACIE AND JULIE RAN INTO DANCE class together, the former still finishing her messy braid.

"step touch. step tou-" ms. ortega cut herself off once she saw the girls, "oh, julie and gracie, how nice of you to join us."

"i'm so sorry-"

"we overslept." gracie cut in, not wanting to be stared at more than she needed to be.

their teacher nodded with pursed lips, "take your spots."

julie sighed, speeding to flynn and gracie, who, the latter had already rushed to the first girl. julie stuck her tongue against her teeth, "so, why didn't you wake us up?"

"we missed our first three classes." gracie hissed, already dreading the conversation she knew was bound to occur with her parents.

"you said you were never gonna show your face at school again," flynn shrugged, "and i'm a very literal person."

"not me!" gracie whispered harshly, "i didn't say that."

flynn winced, looking away, "you looked too peaceful to wake."

"it's okay," julie cut in, copying the class's movements, "it's those ghosts that i'm really upset at."

gracie rolled her eyes, "don't get me started. i'd kill them if they weren't already dead."

flynn sent them an apologetic look, "having a band is supposed to help your social life, not ruin it."

"ex-band." julie corrected, looking at her friend.

flynn pressed her lips together, "right, sorry. ex-band."

"it's all so messed up. i thought they were in this with us. but obviously, i was wrong." julie sighed.

flynn shot her a look, "hey, don't blame yourself. you can only be so strong when three cute ghosts ask you to join a band."

gracie groaned softly, "i wish they died from bees or something - like in the hunger games. then, maybe, i wouldn't be so stupid and vulnerable when i see luke."

"exactly, i pity you, girl... hey, speaking of cute," she aimed her next question at julie, "have you talked to nick today?" she eyed her friend with a smirk, "he was pretty chatty at the dance."

julie sighed, "no, and i'm kinda dreading it. at least i know i won't see him in this class..." they bent over as a stretch, their heads falling under their legs. julie made a noise of surprise when the girls saw the entire lacrosse team standing by the door with their coach.

"you've got to be kidding me." julie scoffed.

"hey, it's nickalicious." gracie grinned, standing up.

julie shot her a nasty glare, "what are they doing here?"

"right on time, coach barron. so, students," ms. ortega turned to her class of girls desperately trying to look presentable, "coach barron and i have decided that his lacrosse team will be part of our class for a few weeks."

gracie shared a blank stare with her friends as her teacher continued, "many pro athletes have used dance to help with coordination and mobility."

"this isn't about flirting with girls." coach barron said sharply, making the boys snicker, "it's about making us better so we can actually win a game. we lost against burbank. burbank!" the girls giggled to themselves as the guys ducked their heads and the dance teacher sent a concerned look.

"well," ms. ortega began, "let's all remember that composure is a big part of dance. everybody pair up."

when no one moved, coach clapped and shouted, "let's go!"

electric touch // luke pattersonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora