i know it wont work - live - gracie abrams

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https://pin.it/65sVGPC ~ gracie's outfit

LUKE AND JJ DRAGGING GRACIE to the same cafe was the first thing that made her suspicious of them. the second thing was when she saw the crowd of people filling the room. and the third thing, the thing that made her try to turn around, was when she saw the sign with the words open mic saturday! printed on it.

"guys - no, no, no. please, no." she cried, fighting with jj as luke struggled to grab her dress - one which made him blush deeply when he first saw her - to pull her back.

"gracie, please? there's barely... anyone here." jj lied, yanking her by the hand over to a booth.

luke nodded, "yeah! look, do you even know anyone here? we're miles from your school." she looked up at the ghost before sighing and looking around. he was right, she didn't recognize anyone. that hardly mattered though.

"i'm not singing. i didn't prepare anything - nor did i bring an instrument." she tried, tugging on her blown-out hair. and here she was, thinking jj had finally agreed to take photos of her for instagram. she looked ridiculous, dressed in a white lacy dress and black tights with bows. she could hardly walk in her boots either - they were strictly for pictures, not singing on stage.

"you don't need an instrument when your voice is as gorgeous as it is." luke said, wincing when she glared daggers at him.

"you can sing that one song - the one about working. ♪ working nine to five - ♪" gracie slapped a hand over her brother's mouth.

"that's dolly parton, and i'm not singing i know it won't work, that's depressing." he licked her hand making her groan in disgust and pull it away from his mouth.

luke grinned at the siblings before he tugged on her dress so she'd turn to him, "listen, gracie. you're the best singer i know - and i've met julie molina. i'm friends with her. your voice is beautiful and no one here knows you. no one would know if you screwed up the lyrics - and if they somehow did, take a look around." she did as told, frowning at the drunk twenty something's filling the cafe.

"everyone's drunk, no one would even notice or care. half the people going on tonight will be blasted and horrible singers." she turned to him, her eyes searching his for any signs of lies. he smiled slightly, sincerity in every part of his face.

without warning, she pulled a hand to her mouth and pushed through the crowd to the bathroom. luke sighed, glancing down at jj who put his hands on his hips.

"i got it." he told the boy, poofing into the girls' restroom where rowdy women were reapplying makeup. only one stall was open, and it showed gracie kneeling on the floor, spilling her guts into the toilet. he stepped into the stall and pulled her hair away from her face. the feeling of her hair in his hands made his chest flutter. every time he was able to touch even a sliver of something of her's, he felt so extraordinary alive. it only lasted a second before her hair fell through his fingers.

gracie flushed the toilet, sighing shakily. she met eyes with luke after she wiped her mouth on a piece of toilet paper. she was waiting for his disgust to show, but he only smiled encouragingly.

"jj wants this as much as you and i do. you can do it. you did amazing during bright and that was in front of your entire grade. this is like two of your classes combined." gracie looked up over luke's shoulder to shakily accept a piece of gum from what looked like a nineteen year old.

"i like your outfit." she complimented the blonde. gracie smiled slightly.

"thanks." she murmured, slipping the stick of gum into her mouth. the older girl nodded and left the restroom so it was one older and clearly drunk lady applying lipstick to her teeth.

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