wish me luck - wallows

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https://pin.it/65sVGPC /// https://pin.it/2ACSNmt ~ gracie's outfit

GRACIE LOVED CLOTHES. she loved makeup, too. and she loved doing her hair. and she also loved music and singing and stuff... but she mostly liked clothes and makeup and hair. she got it from her sister, who was on facetime as she got ready for the dance.

"what about this?" gracie asked, holding up a tank top.

madeleine twisted her black hair between her fingers. she was braiding her hair to get ready for practice. gracie rolled her eyes but didn't mention how it was seven at night.

the girl paused her own hair to squint at her phone, "no. wear that dress i wore to brunch that one time."

"that dress you wore to brunch that one time." gracie repeated before scoffing and putting away the shirt.

madeleine rolled her eyes, "don't act like you don't know which one i'm talking about."

gracie mocked her, but her sister was right. she knew she was talking about the pink dress that hugged her curves in all the right places.

"i can't, though. it's not that kinda dance. everyone will be wearing casual stuff," she paused before shrugging, "besides, i need to wear something that i can move around in."

"you're gonna dance?" her sister asked in surprise.

sing, too, gracie thought.

instead she shrugged, "maybe." a silence rung out until gracie groaned and whined, "mads, please help."

"fine!" her sister yelled, picking up her phone. her screen went on paused, and gracie's face immediately lit up, knowing she'd be finding a picture.

she was right, of course, and madeleine sent one to her messages, "wear that chain."

gracie grabbed her phone, flipping onto text to see a picture of her sister wearing a chain around a skirt.

"and that dress."

another picture came through, this time one of gracie. her cheeks quickly reddened and without trying, a picture of luke's face immediately came to mind.

"are you sure? isn't that a little -"

"i'm gonna hang up if you don't shut up and wear it." madeleine cut her off, swiping back to facetime, "and curl your hair, it looks bad... cute makeup, though."


gracie was playing with her hair as she walked into the packed gym, trying to navigate her way through the crowd of students to get to the stage. she had her guitar strapped to her back and her phone pulled up in front of her face.

she was trying to use the snap map to track julie and flynn, but the wifi kept telling her she didn't have any friends on the map.

she sighed, pushing past a particularly sweaty guy, finally making it to the stage.

"gracie! hey, come on up." flynn grinned down at her. gracie sighed thankfully and did as told, happy to have space.

flynn spoke into the mic, "do we have any bobcats in the house?" most people cheered making her chuckle, "everybody make some noise!"

the entire gym split into cheers before flynn quickly rushed out, "okay, okay, okay, not too much noise. there's an anger management meeting down the hall." gracie laughed with the crowd. she set her instrument down, gently tossing her phone onto flynn's jacket.

she looked back at the stage, grinning at the sight of julie and flynn speaking. before gracie could join them, julie broke off to hop up the stairs with the "projector".

electric touch // luke pattersonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora