I Blow Up A Beach

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Chapter Five I Blow Up A Beach

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Chapter Five
I Blow Up A Beach

Luke had been the one to capture the flag first. I had expected as much from him. I also didn't want to compete with him anyways; I was fine with Luke having the spotlight while I took the back seat. If he wanted to get his father's attention, I wasn't going to stop him.

We had been jogging through the woods as our team poured out onto the Half Blood Lake's shore. Luke hoisted the flag in the air as another conch sounded, signaling the end of another victorious game. Chris cheered and clapped Luke on the back while I sheathed my sword. I was still confused about the hellhound. I would probably be looking into that later.

What really took me aback was seeing Clarisse holding my younger cousin by the collar. I know that some like to say that bullying builds character, but beating up bullies is so much more satisfying. I stormed over to Clarisse and Percy as Luke made a feeble attempt to hold me back.

I raised a brow at Luke. He let go of my arm. Smart kid.

I slammed my entire body into Clarisse as she stumbled back. Percy looked a bit surprised too as I took another step towards her. "Pick on him again and I'll shove my sword so far up your ass your vertebrae will pop out of your mouth like a PEZ dispenser," I snapped.

Clarisse took the hit, finally noticing her team had lost, and walked away slowly. Silena followed closely after her. Clarisse would definitely be getting me back for the public humiliation, but I could worry about that later.

"You need to get control of your temper," Luke murmured. Annabeth and Percy were talking now, but the blood in my head was pounding so much their voices sounded faded away. Before I could respond to Luke, I heard a loud splash.

"What is wrong with you?" Percy shouted.

I expected bullying from Clarisse. Annabeth? Not so much. I really hoped Annabeth wasn't seeing Clarisse as a role mode now. Next thing I know, Annabeth can't sleep without her cuddling axe.

That's when I saw it. We all saw it. The water washed away Percy's cuts and scratches. Not just the blood, no it washed away any trace of injury. The lake seemed to be drawn to my younger cousin, like anti-vaxxers to a pyramid scheme. Then, like a halo adorning his head, a bright blue trident materialized above him.

"Your dad's calling," was all that Annabeth said. So this is what she had been getting at. She knew he was important because of how he had reminded us all of Thalia. The puzzle pieces began to click together in my head. He was the son of Poseidon. He was a forbidden child. He was the child of the sea god.

And now I had to watch as another child was placed on the front lines of a doomed prophecy.

Thalia. Zeus. Percy. Poseidon. Aunt Sally. My promise. The pact. Demigods. Children.

𝐃𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐄 (𝐋. 𝐂𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐍)Where stories live. Discover now