Chapter 6 King Vs Queen

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Magnus was used to dying. Or almost dying, preparing for Ragnarok did that.

But this felt different. It didn't feel like a glorious battle it felt like waiting for an execution with extra steps.

War was messy, overwhelming and chaotic. Naturally bloody.

But now it was just waiting for your name to be called fight and maybe survive. All in the name of entertaining a mad god so powerful he made the Aesir Vanir and the giants look like toddlers.

Magnus knew his life was going to be grim, but he had found some form of comfort knowing that even if Ragnarok happened. Even if he couldn't stop it, he would end up dying fighting for something greater than himself.

Not the gods glory, but the survival of Midgard.

Now, it was just survival.

What if Annabeth's name was called after his?

What if Percy's name was called after his?

Magnus found himself shuttering a bit. The opposition was powerful, yet something just told him it wasn't even tip of the iceberg.

Magnus suddenly felt like his spine was about to rupture as he was violently brought back to the present by a hearty slap on the back from Thor.
As usual the residents of Valhalla had a morning feast. Unable to not party for even a day.

No one had died yet, which was quite an impressive amount of self control for them.

"What hails you son of Freyr?!" Loudly boomed the god of Thunder. "Can you not feel the itch for battle?"

"This isn't a battle, it's a menagerie." Huffed Magnus taking a lazy bite from his falafel.

"I know not what a menagerie is, but you sound disheartened."

Jack suddenly floated next to the god's head.

"He's just grumpy his Greek cousin is going to kick his ass."

"She will not." Protested Magnus.

"Okay yeah she won't." Corrected Jack "I'll let her kick your ass."

"Why?!" Protested the son of Freyr.

"You have ties to the Greeks?" Questioned the god in surprise.

Magnus sighed "yeah, my cousin Annabeth she's a daughter of Athena. She's also the architect of Olympus.

Odin not far away from his son huffed. "Athena, such a pretentious goddess. Nowhere near half as wise as she claims to be."

Frigg sighed deeply, it must have been a common conversation.

"It's always the same with you dear. A divergence in opinions and judgement and it's a whole hissy fit."

"It's not my fault these two are fools!" Snapped Odin going on a rant "Thoth Athena Quetzalcoatl they dared to question my wisdom, me the god of wisdom."

Magnus rolled his eyes with a sigh.

"What's wrong with you?" Huffed Alex flicking his ear.

Magnus grumpily smacked her hand away.

"Why is no one else worried?! We aren't in Valhalla this isn't for fun! If we all die here who knows what'll happen even to the gods! Who's going to fight Ragnarok and defend the realms if we're all dead!"

Thor slammed his fist on the table rising to his feet. "Gandalf's beard, the son of Freyr is right!" he scanned the many people seated at the banquet  table raising his hammer.

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