Chapter 3 First Blood

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"Test our might?! So you want us to kill each other for your amusement!"

Chronus shrugged "what can I say, overseeing all of time without end nor beginning it can start feeling."

The primordial twirled his hand a bit before snapping his finger.

"Oh yes it feels MADDENING!!!"

The mere word reverberating around the room nearly made Percy himself go mad.

"No end no start having to split every last tiny little molecule of my being at every waking moments." He laughed a little madly "my brethren have it easy being such tangible concepts, but me! No I have to be the thing that makes it all work, including fate enough is enough."

Percy took a step back all his senses on high alert. It was like Tartarus all over again, but at least the pit had the decency of being somewhat stable.

"How can you just trap the fates? I mean it's."

"Fate and fate is absolute yada yada please my guy you never believed that yourself. The fates are just three old hags that can scoure time and probabilities like no one else. They know exactly what they are doing to make the events they want to happen, but these three faced whores like to put on an act of impartiality. Let's be honest it's a miracle the gods still rule and it's all due to them."

Percy tried not to get angry he really was. There was actually someone to blame for his misery.

"So you see Percy, without time without me to exist the fates are powerless. They cannot distinguish through the static of reality if said static is frozen on the wrong image." Eagerly explained Chronus more simply.

"So fate is—."

"A very useful and well orchestrated hoax pushed forward by the divine. Do you really think nothing could have went differently? Please countless timelines exist through me. It's why I could never be tricked by their lies."

The god waved his hand, images appearing before Percy's eyes.

It was him.

But at the same time he knew it wasn't him.

There were the gods at a civil war, Percy and Annabeth standing together with his father as they battled the other Olympians.

One image showed him being beheaded by Ares. Another showed him drowning the entire princess andromeda Luke included the time he ambushed them on the shores of Miami.

An image showed his entire body dissolving in the Styx.

He adverted his eyes as he saw the Minotaur holding his mother again. Only this time his eyes weren't filled with a bright light.

But his ears were filled with a sinister crack.

On one he stayed with Calyspo. The biggest what if of his life finally being answered. He lived countless years with her, in peace and tranquillity. He even made a family for himself.

But it all turned to horror as Kronos appeared on the shores of Ogygia flanked by Hyperion and Atlas. His other self unleashed all of his powers upon them. Mortally wounding Hyperion, but Atlas held him from behind as Kronos slashed his chest open with his scythe. Calypso and her children crying out in horror as they watched the Titan lord rip Percy's still beating heart out.

And consume it.

Worst fate awaited his family.

Percy tried to advert his gaze, but he couldn't. Despite this not being truly his family, he. cried screaming in pure horror and sorrow.

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