Chapter 5 Thunder over Dust

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Thalia Grace groaned awake face to face with the god of hangovers himself. Dionysus peered down at her his cheeks still reddened.

"Lightweight." He greeted with a cheeky laugh.

"What happened?" Asked the daughter of Zeus sitting up and rubbing her forehead.

"You tried to out drink a woman that fights bears for fun."

"I do that too." Flatly informed Thalia rising to her feet.

"Oh what a surprise." Scoffed Dionysus taking another swig of wine.

"Father let you drink again?"

Dionysus nearly chocked on his drink "of course not." He laughed "father can't get over it but he's no longer got any sort of authority at the moment. You're cousin could give him the finger and he could do nothing about it. So I am taking advantage of the situation."

"Don't give Percy any ideas, if he actually lets out all his sass every god from every pantheon will be gunning for him."

"Well it might already be the case now. At least for the gods here. Helping that little eye of Horus did not help his reputation in the slightest."

"What because he doesn't let your petty quarrels guide his actions and decisions?"

The god shrugged "pretty much."

Thalia rolled her eyes and decided to stretch her legs.

It was almost strange how close this island was to Olympus. Each god had their own temple, Thalia chuckled imagining how miffed her father and his wife must have looked once they realized they're temple was the size of everyone else's. No longer befitting of the size of they're ego.

Despite her near drunken state she wasn't blind. More people were adding up, especially from ancient times.

Amazons amongst many of them, Reyna another recent addition looked grimly happy to see her sister.

Strange how they seemed to appear like afterthoughts.

Then there were Bellerophon and Perseus to name just a few of them. She wondered how the ancient hero would react to finding out he had a namesake that also happened to be arguably even more famous than him.

Thalia also wondered how long this would take. How do you satisfy a being who's seen everything in the multiverse? Countless timelines countless lives death and conflict of godlike proportions.

How could she top that?

Her gaze drifted to the other islands, Asgard seemed vibrant and alive still celebrating the prospect of dying in battle.

Well at least they knew how to enjoy the time they had left.

The daughter of Zeus pensively sat down her hangover quickly leaving her.

Annabeth getting engaged, by the gods that made her feel old despite her ageless predicament.

Time passed, time left. That's how the world worked. Thalia didn't have any issue with it. Only everytime she was reminded of it. She suddenly felt it's weight crashing down on her.

She looked around at the gaggles of children from the future. Wondering if any of them were potentially the child or children of Annabeth.

That was such a strange thought, a look into what was to come or what could be?

It was hard to tell at this point. The rules of the universe itself seemed to bend for the primordial of time like playdough.

Heavy mind sister?

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