Chapter 20

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I felt the earth behind and below me. Sharp stones. Jason watched mercilessly as my best friend dies slowly in such a gruesome way. I picked up a stone and slid it into my palm. I used it to poke around the cable tie. I eventually managed to slip it under the tie and onto my cut and bleeding wrist. I pressed my wrist closed and let the stone poke its way into the tie. Eventually the tie snapped. Silently thank god.

I looked around me pretending to still be tied up. I see Jason carve thee lines into the tree then. As i look around i see a base ball bat and a knife sitting not very far from me. While Jason engraves  his lines into the tree. I sucked in a deep breath and pulled every ounce of courage i had in me and stood up quickly grabbing the bat and slowly moving towards Jason.

Without wasting time i swung the bat and it came into contact with Jason's head hard. Jason fell against the tree and let out loud groan. Holding his head he turned to face me. His eyes burning with rage and lust? What is that something else in his eyes? Nows not the time to wonder.

I hit him again and made a run for it. Memorizing where the bear traps were earlier i made it away from the tree safely. I could hear him behind me. Crunching the leaves as he chased me. I ran fast but carefully not to trip or fall. I hid behind a tree and heard him come pass me screaming,

"Lisa! Come here now!" I am not his Lisa i am Kayla.

I ran in the oppsite direction from him. But i could still hear him on my tail. Chasing me tirelessly and with murder laced in his every word as he called out to me as i ran faster.

"Kayla!" Jaime?

"Kayla where are you?" Oh my god thats Jaime.

I ran towards his voice then the path got silent behind me and i came to a fork in the road.

"Kayla!" Jaime's voie is getting further and further from me. Which way do i go?

"Kayla!" Wait. Thats behind me.

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