Part 39

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"Taehyung-aah!" Jin suddenly got up from sleep and looked at his surroundings while taking deep breaths.

He gulped realizing he was in his room and was just dreaming earlier.

He pressed his lips into a line knowing everything he was witnessing was true.

He took his phone from the night stand and turned it on to see the time which showed eleven fifty-four.

Removing the blanket he got up and slowly walked towards the big window in his room. He pushed the curtains aside and looked out through the glass.

He turned back and walked out of his room and started heading downstairs just when he suddenly stopped on his tracks.

He felt his head hurting really bad and was spinning and he stumbled but held onto the railing to control himself.

However, he got down and walked into his kitchen. He poured himself a glas of water. He gulped down the whole glass of water and looked out through the window.

Then again when he walked he again felt nauseous.

He frowned while pressing his palm against his lips and the feeling went away after some seconds.

He heard his phone ringing. Picking it up he saw the caller ID's name which showed 'Yoon Eunseo'. He tilted his head and accepted the call.

Holding the phone against his ear he heard the other one's voice, ["hey Jin!"]

Jin smiled hearing her energetic voice and replied with a small "hey."

["what happened to you voice? Do you have a cold?"]

"uh.. Yeah I are you doing?"

She chuckled hearing his voice which she found very innocent. ["I'm all fine. Just called you because it's Ella's birthday after two days. I want you and Jimin to come and if you want you can bring your friends too."]

"Oh.. Okay thanks for inviting me I'll surely come."

["hmm... And tell me about you. What are you doing?"]

"nothing, just woke up." he said and started walking towards the stairs.

["This late?"] she asked in a surprised voice as it was weekday.

He laughed embarrassingly while climbing up the stairs. "I was just not feeling well."

["oh right. Then you should get some more rest. You aren't feeling too sick right?"]

"no, not that muc-" and again he felt his head spinning and this time he couldn't control himself anymore and felt his eyelids getting heavier and heavier.

Eunseo heard the sound of his phone falling and then nothing.

["Jin?"] she asked with a frown. ["hello? Jin... Do you hear me? Jin?"]

"what happened?" Taehyung asked coming near Eunseo, seeing her tensed face.

"I don't know. I was talking with Jin and suddenly he stopped talking."

"maybe it's some network issue."

"no it's connected, see?" she showed him her phone's screen. "I heard a loud sound too.... Tae I think something happened. He's also ill."

"You got Jimin's number?"

She shook her head.

"wait I'm calling Jimin."

Jimin received the call after some beeps and they heard his voice. ["Hey Taehyung! What's up?"]

"Jimin are you by chance with Jin hyung?"

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