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This chapter will have many profanity words; so I'm warning you now.

But get ready for this chapter. It's going to be a emotional rollercoaster.

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It's been a week since I woke up and I haven't been to Brayden's manor in a long time. Partly because I didn't want to meet Damien yet. But I couldn't hold it back any longer, I had to tell my friends that I was leaving. I need time to myself to figure out myself and the part of me that I had lost.

"Where's the girls?" I asked Jaxon when I entered the house. "Their all in the backyard." Jaxon answered as he looked at me with his 'are you okay' eyes.

"Thank you. And I'm fine." I answered sending him a soft smile, before I walked into the backyard. "Hailey." The girls screamed as the rushed towards me, and gave me an giant hug. And I guess we couldn't help but let out a loud laugh, it's been so long since we were like this. I mean they all had happy lives now and I was happy for them, they really do deserve it.

"I'm leaving." I tell them without any hesitation. "Why?" Adeline asked as she looked at me with her innocent green doe eyes. "I need a break from everything." I said, technically I wasn't lying because it was true, just not one of the main reason.

The main reason was that I need to find myself again and I know that in my friends eyes I just changed a little, they don't know the horrors I went through to make me like this today.

"Why don't we go with you." Lucy suggested. "If you do then Cameron is going to blame me for taking away his wife. You know how he's a sex addict." I said innocently trying to make this sad conversation a little happier but also trying to stop her from coming along with me.

"He can go fuck his pillows then." Lucy said not giving up. "Fine." I said giving in to their pleading eyes. "But you guys can't tell anyone." I added on. The last thing that I needed was their men there and then them telling Damien about it. With Damien being there, it was definitely a place where I couldn't take a break.

"We promise." The said and we did our secret promise shake. We decided that we were leaving tonight so we all secretly packed out luggage.

On the plane, Bella tells us that she has a villa all ready for us and a whole fucking itinerary. She actually fucking really planned this shit out. I mean what did I expect she was a perfectionist and honestly I'm proud to say that my friends is the most beautiful perfectionist out there.

"So what's first?" I asked and she whipped out her phone showing me the long list. Well if I though we were going to say at home this whole time; boy was I wrong now.

"First we're heading to Las Vegas, because we all know that we're all due for a wild girls trip." Bella's added on, while Adeline and Lucy agrees with her completely. They have changed a lot too in the past 5 years.

Bella, who use to be over protective, still is but her self confidence has improved a lot and I guess that meant that Brayden does care about Bella way more than he shows it and what other people know.

As for Adeline, she use to be this shy, innocent girl and she still is, just not as much and she started to learn how to stick up for yourself, which I'm so proud about because she needed to learn how to, and it was about time. I also thought it would've been harder for her to adapt to the mafia but it seems like the mafia is slowly turning her into a dark person.

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