~| Episode 1 part one|~

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Hailey's POV:

It was time, my time more specifically, I came here for one reason and one reason only, so I could go to university, unlike the rest of my family due to some small financial problems. Okay so if I had a good look at these people I think I would sit alone but I sat next to a brown-skinned girl, with brown hair, olive green eyes, a red slightly oversized jumper and navy blue leggings. who seemed to be disappointed she was sitting alone so being the nice human I am I sit down right next to her.

"Oh hello!" The girl smiles at me seeming excited

"Oh erm... Hi!" I reply seriously and awkwardly. Being a socially awkward human is fucking up my chances of winning I think. I hope I make a good impression I also think to myself hoping I already am by replying to the girl.

"I'm Gabby you!" Gabby says seeming more excited that I'm socialising with her.

"Oh I'm Hailey, your name is nice!" I reply beaming back at her already happy to have made an ally in the game, but a future friend. I mean maybe that's too far right now, 'she might be a manipulative bitch like your ex-best friend Bailey' I also think to myself brushing off the thought. I mean she seems nice, maybe it's an act for the game...

"Thanks! Yours too Hailey!" She smiles back as we start having a bit of a conversation on the things we like and that before I start to read a small novel I need to finish in school due to my time off.

I continue reading, feeling slightly grim in some of the gore that happens in the book, also the fact that I've always slightly felt nauseous on buses but that's making me feel slightly worse, I didn't even notice I was going pale.

"Stupid travelling.." I mutter to myself feeling as if I'm about to throw up, as I'm now more pale knowing I've still got 5 hours of this dumbass trip until I'm at camp. With Gabby asleep on my shoulder there's zero chance of me being able to throw up...

My body now needed to throw up so I had to move the fast off Gabby, I felt guilty about it but I threw up outside the window then, Gabby woke up. Shoot. Just shoot. Let's just hope it was from a nightmare or a sudden stop, mainly because now I'm praying to god that it is one of the two reasons or on the worse hand, from me throwing up outside the window rather loudly. If I had to pick one to wake up to it would be the first one, mainly due to her senses probably with me accidentally throwing up on a small bunny, which I would feel bad for not gonna lie.

"Are you okay, friend..?" Gabby asks concern in her voice.

"Yeah don't worry..." I reassure her whilst having about five hundred breath mints to try and drown out my vomit breath because I hate it, I hate every aspect of vomit... "No, you can't let your stepdad intrude into your thoughts again!" I mutter still sort of scared, luckily gabby did not hear a word I said that time...

I don't need to be betrayed by anyone so maybe I should be skeptical of Gabby, but she seems nice... Right? She was talking about a ginger girl she liked the look of whilst I spaced out into thought... Did she like someone? Already? Just by looks..? Not going to lie, some people are screwed up but I can't just immediately make assumptions Gabby does seem kinda nice. I mean there are some good people here... I hope.

There's got to be, hasn't there? I mean I already have an ally for the merge if Gabby makes it that is. I hope she and the girl have a good relationship, to be honest, totally not because I need allies. I was just looking around beforehand and two other people were alone I think, but to be honest they seemed happy being alone unlike Gabby.

Looking at the others I thought that maybe I could get some of the others to help in the merge again if I make it, but I did see this boy with green eyes and brown bushy hair who looked like he was writing a fan fiction but on paper. He looked the same age as me, maybe slightly younger. Anyways, the rest wasn't too fun I don't think in my opinion. The rest looked like stereotypical people, wait a second why is there a six-year-old girl here? No, maybe the girl is just short. Right? Not being weird or anything it's likely, to be honest, that the kid is six or seven, they looked happy I mean that's normal for a six-year-old?

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