Part 10

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⌛ A little time earlier ⌛

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⌛ A little time earlier ⌛

⁘ Eliza POV ⁘

I rode at a fast gallop back to the Shire because I had a very bad feeling and Dad and Zorro had some trouble keeping up with me. 

The reason I was in a hurry to get back was that Dad and I had encountered some fat bounty hunters and I can admit that they were well trained but no match for me and Dad. 

They had two letters with high rewards one was with me and dad and the other was about the Compani led by Thorin the Oak Shield.

I don't know why they were heading to the Shire and I had a bad feeling that they wanted something from Bilbo but I hoped I was wrong. 

I heard about the Prince of Erebor what lost his home by the Dragon and was betrayed by the Elves of the Forest Kingdom or Mirkwood. 

I have an idea that the dwarves would try to reclaim the mountain and get back the King's Jewel or the Arch Jewel.

For that they would need a burglar to retrieve it from under a possibly living dragon and there are no quieter beings than the Hobbit.

They can move quickly, nimbly and quietly on their feet so they are very good at stealth.

Not only am I afraid of the Dragon in that mountain but also the disease that rests there and I don't know if the Prince or now the King will defeat it alone.

I suspect that it is not a normal disease butter I think black magic from this world had an influence on the beginning of the disease and attracting Smaug to the mountain.

 If I am right I with Dad will be able to help Thorin fight the disease but I think for that will be the destruction of the Arch Jewel.

This gem could be the source of the disease from the beginning because the dwarves went too deep into the earth and this was their punishment for taking the Heart of the Mountain. 

I have a lot of questions and theories but I know I won't get answers and a solution until I meet the Company and ask questions to the oldest of the dwarves.

We were storming up to the bilbo house when I saw a group of orcs so I immediately moved with my Dad to attack and when my arrow pierced the first of them he let out a terrible screech or scream with them I never know .

We managed to deal with them quickly however I noticed that one of them was opening Bilbo's door and I quickly released an arrow into that head and it fell dead into the house. Storm and Akiri ran into the house first and when I was close I heard Bilbo

'' Ella '' said Bilbo

'' Bilbo what is going on? What is the meaning of this '' asked another man's voice

'' I could ask it myself '' I said standing in the doorway  when Bilbo heard my voice he immediately hugged me. I reciprocated the hug tighter 

'' Are you all right Bilbo? Did they do something to you? '' I said immediately worried

'' Nothing bad is happening '' said a voice from earlier and when I looked at him I immediately knew who it was and pushed Bilbo towards Dad. I looked at him hard

'' I don't know if I fully believe you wandering wizard. Gandalf the Gray you are known for dragging people into all sorts of expeditions'' I said seriously and this surprised him

'' So I'm sorry that I'm worried when I see 13 unknown dwarves and you in my friend's house '' I added, I could feel my magic pushing forward.

I just hoped my hair wouldn't change color in front of them. and I saw in his eyes understanding. He smiled gently at me

'' Let me introduce all of them this may put you at ease a little, they are Dwalin, Balin, Kili, Fili, Dori, Nori, Ori, Oin, Glain, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur '' he said showing each of them and each of them bowed when their name was spoken. I turned my attention to the last dwarf

'' Of course Company Leader Thorin Oak Shield '' said Gandalf and the handsome dwarf bowed a little

'' You know our names for why don't you entrust us with yours '' said Thorin and I looked at Dad. He saw that I wanted him to answer the question

'' My name is Sirius Black and this is my daughter Eliza or Ella Black'' he said and I saw recognition appear on their faces. I knew they knew who we were 

'' You are the two powerful trained wizard and witch  who came to Middle Earth five years ago. Little is known about you and many would like to get to know you '' said Gandalf

'' That's how we decided to keep to ourselves when we came here and that's how it stayed '' I said and all the time I felt Thorin's gaze on me. 

I knew they had a lot of questions I didn't feel like answering so I decided to push in another direction

'' You know your little trip here brought more than just orcs to the Shire. Before we found the orcs we dealt with a group of bounty hunters who were approaching here " I said and gave them a paper with the amount of payment. I knew they were surprised because of this

'' Will you help us with this journey'' asked Gandalf and I looked at Paddy

'' Give us a moment to think about it'' I said and walked with the date outside and a piece away from the house. After a moment of silence 

'' What do you think we should do. I thinks we should help them. I don't know how I would feel if I got a chance to get my house back after 80 or it is 90 years. This land is theirs and the dragon has been sitting on it for too long '' I said and Sirius nodded his head in agreement. He took a deep breath

'' We'll say we agree but we won't take orders. We'll tell them we can fight without magic so they don't have to worry about us '' he said

'' I think it's best that we tell them more about ourselves if we get to know them better, but we'll tell them the basics '' I added to our plan.

After discussing all the details, we headed toward the house but first we fed Mia and Zorro.

When we told our decision and conditions they agreed and we signed the contract like the rest

'' And you don't have to worry about Bilbo. I, along with Dad, have been training him for more than two years maybe three '' I said with a smile and went to my favorite two. 

We spent the rest of the night talking when I heard the dwarves start singing a beautiful song:

Far over the misty mountains cold
To dungeons deep and caverns old
We must away ere break of day
To find our long-forgotten gold

The pines were roaring on the height
The winds were moaning in the night
The fire was red, it flaming spread
The trees like torches blazed with light

I slowly fell asleep to the beautiful song and could find more meaning in it. I hoped that I would find more opportunities to hear Thori sing.

I was very curious to see how this trip would turn out and hope that everything would be fine. 

I heard them finish singing and couldn't fight sleep any longer so I drifted off into a world of dreams and imagination.

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