Part 13

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⌛ A three weeks later ⌛

⁘ Eliza ⁘

The last few days went very well and we had a quiet trip without much trouble. I got to know the dwarves more and they became more and more open with us and we with them. 

I told them more about my world and dad's world, types of magic and magical creatures. They were surprised that elves are our servants and that we have different sanctuaries for dragons and their like. Soon I saw it started to get dark 

'' We need to find a place to stay before it gets to dark Thorin. Me and Dad need to see what we are doing to put up the wards well  '' I said Thorin and he nodded in agreement we found the right place and not long after that I went with Dad to put up the wards about 400 meters from our camp. 

However, I told my dad to come back alone because I would quickly go hunt something and promised to return before it was dark. 

I managed to catch a deer and four rabbits when I returned I could see that everyone was surprised with my catch 

'' Next time you take me with you '' said Kili and Fili together and I laughed a little but nodded my head. 

I gave my catch to them and together with the help of the other two dwarves they growled to bind the meat. 

I sat down next to my dad and took a deep breath and had a feeling something was going to happen today but hoped it was nothing bad.

⌛ A couple of hours later ⌛

Night fell and I saw most of the dwarves fall asleep knowing that the wards would protect us from attacks. Suddenly we heard a terrible scream from the orcs which woke up the rest of us and that scared Bilbo. 

Fili and Kilim thought it would be a good idea to scare Bilbo more and joke about it however I could see that it was a very bad idea. Before I had time to admonish them I was overtaken by Thorin 

'' You think the orc attack is a joke. it is nothing funny. You don't know anything about it '' he said angrily and headed for the cliff not far away. I knew by his voice that he had a very bad experience with these terrible beasts and it was possible that he had lost a lot because of them:

Balin decided to explain Thorin's behavior 

'' Thorin does  hate orcs for a reason. After the dragon attacked the Lonely Mountain, King Thror tried to regain the ancient kingdom of Morri but was overtaken by enemies. Moria was seized by merciless orcs led by the cruelest of them, Azog the Filthy. The giant in this vowed to destroy the Druin family and began by beheading the king. Train father Thorin went mad with despair '' he started

'' He disappeared, captured or killed we did not reach the truth. Deprived of a leader, we waited for certain death. That's when I saw him, the Young Prince opposite the White Orc. He stood to fight unevenly against a monstrous enemy. Devoid of armor, hidden behind an oak trunk '' he paused for a moment taking a deep breath

'' Azog understood that day that the Druin family would not die out so easily. Our forces regained their faith and we struck at them. Our enemy was defeated. After that there was no feasting or singing. For you our hearts came to mourn for the countless fallen. A handful of us survived. It was then that I realized that here was the only one for whom I would jump into the fire. The only one I will call king " when he finished there was silence. 

I knew that everyone was moved by what Balin told us and I understood fully why Thorin does  hate orcs. Because of them he lost his grandfather, his father and his people. 

I know that I won't fully understand what he feels because such a pain knows only the person who lived through it. I wanted to hug him, but I wasn't sure how he would react to this.

I had the feeling that Thorin didn't like anyone to see his suffering and didn't want their pity. I looked at him and knew that he was not completely with us. I suspect he is remembering what happened that fateful day and what he could do to change it

'' What happened to the White Orc'' asked Bilbo 

'' He died in a crevice like the rat he is '' said Thorin. 

I saw Balin and Gandalf exchanging glances and I knew that they were thinking the opposite. I knew that after what Balin said most of them wouldn't sleep 

'' Ella sing that song you sang to the first graders when they were homesick '' suggested Dad and I nodded. I took a deep breath and started singing:

Come little children
I'll take thee away
Into a land of enchantment
Come little children
The time's come to play
Here in my garden of shadows

Follow sweet children
I'll show thee the way
Through all the pain
And the sorrows
Weep not poor children
For life is this way
Murdering beauty and passions

Hush now dear children
It must be this way
Too weary of life
And deceptions
Rest now my children
For soon we'll away
Into the calm and the quiet

Come little children
I'll take thee away
Into a land of enchantment
Come little children
The time's come to play
Here in my garden of shadows

When I finished singing I noticed that I had managed to put everyone to sleep except Thorin who was looking at me with a gentle smile. 

I cocked my head to the side to show him that I wanted him to go there with me and we both slowly got up without waking the rest. We walked away a bit but not too far 

'' You are stronger than you think Thorin. I don't know many people who have risen after such a loss to lead their people. I understand a little of your pain Thorin but I can't fully do so because such pain is known to the person who lived through it. I also know that you are worried that Bilbo won't be able to do it because he has no experience in battle, but you don't have to worry because me and Dad have trained him very well '' I said pulling him into a hug. 

For a moment he didn't return my hug and I started to panic that I had crossed the line. When I wanted to move away he caught me in a strong hug without letting me go and held me close to him and I hugged him again. We stood like that for a long moment 

'' Thank you Ella '' he said 

'' I'm just telling the truth. We should get back to the campground before one of them wakes up and starts panicking that we're gone '' I said 

'' And Thorin if you want to talk to someone I'm here to listen '' I added and he nodded. We headed slowly back and luckily no one was awake 

'' Good night Ella '' said Thorin and lay down in his seat 

'' Good night Thorin '' I replied with a smile. I settled comfortably in my sleeping bag and fell into a peaceful deep sleep dreaming of a successful expedition and the recovery of Erebor.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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