Part 6

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⌛ Some time later ⌛

⁘ Eliza POV ⁘

When I woke up I wasn't sure what had happened and I had a terrible headache and birds singing certainly didn't help my headache.

May first thought was that I had drunk too much and had a hangover and I was about to go back to sleep when I realized I wasn't in my bed. 

I slowly sat up and took the potion out of my bag and quickly drank it and immediately my head stopped hurting.

I'm glad I didn't lose it because I have in there: all my money, clothes, weapons, a tent to spend the night in, food, books, a small lab, my stash and a garden for potion ingredients. 

This way I don't run out of anything while I'm working, and I have from normal to the most rare ingredients.

The tent can be called a small house because there is a kitchen, two bathrooms, a living room, several rooms. 

I checked if I had a rose and luckily I had it with me. I immediately checked if I could use magic and I could with and without the wand and my gifts also worked.

I started to look around to see where I was when suddenly the memories came back to me quickly and I grabbed my head by the pain it caused me. 

Suddenly I heard a noise behind me and when I looked over Sirius was lying there and it looked like he was slowly waking up so I slowly walked over to him so as not to startle him.

I put my hand over his heart to stop him from standing up too fast because I knew it could cause a bigger headache. After a while his eyes formed and he grabbed his head moaning 

'' Calm Papa everything is fine'' I said and gave him a potion for  his headache. I slowly helped him drink his potion and helped him sit down 

'' Where are we Ella? The last thing I remember was when we were coming back from the ball and we were attacked by some of the last remaining members of the Order of Fenix. We were coping with them when all of a sudden, I saw a bright light, I heard a scream, and then it was darkness '' he said confused looking around us. 

I took a deep breath '' I don't know where we are and I know we got here thanks to a spell cast by one of them. The important question is. Do you have your wand and bag with you? '' I said and Sirius quickly checked it and luckily he had these things with him. 

He tried to use his magic and fortunately it too worked without any problem and we discovered that we could use all kinds of spells but we couldn't appear but he suspected that it was because that we didn't know our new surroundings. 

Suddenly I heard a noise like that of a sleigh being pulled by several animals coming towards us and an older man in brown robes appeared in front of us.

I was immediately ready to defend myself against this man although I had a feeling that we could trust him 

'' You are not from here my Dear Ones but how you got here is the big question. However, let me introduce myself most first I am Radagast the Brown I am one of the 5 great wizards of Middle-earth '' he said curiously. I nodded gently at Sirius showing him that I would be the one to speak 

'' Nice to meet you Radagast although I would prefer it to be under better conditions. My name is Eliza Nova Potter Black and this is my Dad Sirius Orion Black and I can honestly say ourselves we don't quite know how we got here. The two of us are also mages and our world also has magic but I suspect it may be different from yours '' I said 

'' Could you tell me more? I'm not sure I fully understand '' he said 

'' We are not exactly from this world. A spell moved us here. We don't know for what or if we can get back to our world. We were attacked by evil wizards and one of them cast a very old spell in an old language and it brought us here. We woke up a few minutes before you found us here. We've just discovered that we can still use our magic and we have our stuff with us '' this time Sirius said calmly. 

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