Pleasure over matter - Sungchan

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Your boyfriend of three years had cheated on you three months ago and to say you were a mess was an understatement, you had lost all interest in everything and just wanted to cry all day and eat ice cream but you couldn't.

Your days now consisted of work, gym and sleep. The only good thing that came out of your break up was that you now had time to focus on yourself and going to the gym had really paid off.

As you stood in front of the mirror you admired your figure, you were only wearing boy shorts and a sports bra which made your curves and collar bones stand out. Carefully you trailed your nails down your ab lines which seemed to be more visible than ever before.

A buzzing noise echoed in the peaceful room, as you checked the contact name you swiftly answered the call. It was your best friend, she had been your rock through these tough times and you didn't know what you would do without her.

"Hey y/n, we're going to the club at 9 so get dressed because i'm gonna pick you up and no excuses, bye love you!" She didn't even give you the chance to reply before ending the call. You picked up your phone and checked the time which read 7:19 pm meaning you had a while before she came over to disturb the peace. Luckily you had just showered so all you had to do was put on your make up on and dress up.

After about an hour you had finished getting ready and found yourself admiring your figure in the mirror once again, 'damn, i look fineee' you giggled at your thoughts. You were wearing a one sleeved cropped top and a black mini skirt paired with thigh high heeled boots with a silver necklace, rings and Prada sunglasses.

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Your best friend had come to pick you up and you guys made your way to the club to meet your other friends. Normally you would have had to wait in line but since you guys knew the owner you skipped it.

The club was crowded with dancing bodies swaying to the sound of the music, as you made your way to a more secluded area.

There was a variety of private booths to choose from and the dance floor was less busy but still quite crowded.

Your girls ran to the dance floor as crazy in love by Beyoncé started playing and bsf/n dragged you to the dance floor.

After a while of dancing you got tired and decided to go to the bathroom, leaving your friends on the dance floor. Suddenly you got a text and started answering it, unaware to the fact that you were blocking the walkway.

Someone's big hands softly gripped your waist as you felt their pelvis press against your ass as they slid past you. You slightly stumbled forward due to the sudden contact "My bad." The deep voice spoke as they looked down at you while smirking. "It's okay." You chocked out nervously.

This man was beautiful, he was wearing an all black suit, his hair was slightly messy and he was VERY tall. If you had to estimate you would guess around 6'2. He towered over your small frame.

"I'm Sungchan." He spoke confidently, giving out his hand for you to shake "what's yours beautiful?" You gently took his hand as he unexpectedly brought your knuckles to his lips to kiss them while making intense eye contact.

"I'm y/n." You whispered nervously, 'why am I nervous, I'm never nervous and why am I whispering???' You cringed at yourself.

"what was that beautiful?" He calmly lowered his head down to your level to hear you more clearly, all while still lightly holding your waist with one hand. " I said y/n." You gulped, as he gave you a small smile.

"Sorry for nearly knocking you over, come with me I'll buy you a drink." You sheepishly accepted as this was the perfect opportunity for you to forget about your ex and make new friends.

As you walked towards the bar with his hand guiding your lower back, you got a better look at the man, and he was even more beautiful than you imagined, you would even say he was out of your league.

You took a seat at the fancy bar and he ushered you to get whatever you would like as it was all on him. As you both got to know each other more the topic of profession came up and you told him how you were still a uni student.

However, his answer shocked you as he informed you he was part of the newly debuted boy group Riize, a wave of shock took over you. You knew he looked familiar, you remembered seeing him on a couple of bill boards a few weeks ago.

"Wait, you're from Riize!" you shouted a bit too loudly as he quickly pulled you into his rock hard chest . As your face squeezed against him you inhaled his scent, he smelled masculine and heavenly like Dior Sauavge.

"Shhhh, don't be too loud beautiful." he released his grip on you while chuckling. All those shots you had taken plus the smell of his perfume and his deep, raspy voice intoxicated you, it made you feel hazy, almost as if you were drunk even though you were far from it

Impulsively, you grabbed his collar and pulled him closer so that both your bodies were pressed against each other. your arms made there way around his neck as you pushed him back onto his seat and stood between his legs as he enjoyed the kiss.

His hands roamed your body but he restrained him self since the both of you were still in public, even though no one was watching, or at least that's what he thought. His attention was taken away from you for a brief second as he heard a loud click. Someone had taken a picture but in this moment he couldn't care less, he could deal with the repercussions later.

He pulled away from the kiss as he could tell you were becoming breathless an stared at your swollen lips, "That was nice, we should do this again." He suggested as a smirk formed on his pink lips.

Should I make a part two?

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