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D and Kairo finally squashed their beef for the sake of business. Kairo still wasn't feeling how he treated Sevyn but he would have to let that go, considering that D was still his business partner but trust he wasn't over it and he would handle him if he ever felt he could hurt Sevyn again. Bitch ass nigga.

Kairo gripped his gun in his waistband as he stared at the nigga that wanted D and him dead, Chapo. D finally let Kairo in on why this nigga really wanted him dead. Chapo used to be D's business partner but D said Chapo used to be on some shady shit when it came to splitting money with him and he even found out Chapo was stealing product. D started his own organization and built his team from the ground up. Some of Chapo's workers even came to work for D. Chapo wasn't feeling that D's organization was doing so good. He hated the competition and he wanted war but Kairo and D wanted war too, especially since they found out he been sending people to shoot at them and try to rob their warehouse.

"You ready, nigga?" D looked over at me while he gripped his gun. I nodded while we both looked back at our team. They looked ready too. Kairo and D scoped out the scene, making sure they weren't out numbered. The only people that they saw were Chapo and about 7 other workers. Kairo and D had 12 people on their side, including them. They knew they'd be straight.

"Let's get this shit." I said as we ran into the warehouse, aiming for heads. These niggas shot at me, I wanted all these niggas dead. Kairo watched as his team piled into the warehouse behind him, letting shots off aswell. Kairo watched as bodies hit the floor. Kairo watched as Chapo held his hands up, surrendering but fuck that. It was up. D let off a shot shooting Chapo right in the head before Kairo got a chance to shoot. Kairo let shots ring off aswell, right into his chest as him and D emptied the clip on Chapo. This nigga was dead along with his team. Kairo dapped D up, looking at his team, telling them to clean everything up.

D and Kairo made their way out of the warehouse, putting their guns back into their waistbands. "One less nigga to worry about." I said.

"No doubt. Aye, you ever find out who them niggas was that shot up your crib?"

"Hell naw, I just assumed it was Chapo people. Let me know if the streets talking though."

"I gotchu. Be safe, we got another shipment coming in tomorrow. We need everybody we can get to help get this shit out." D said.

"Bet, I'll be at the warehouse tomorrow. I'll holla at you nigga, be safe." We dapped each other up and I turned around walking to my car as D walked towards his. I hopped in my car, putting the key in the ignition and speeding off into the distance.


It was a Friday night and Diamond and Sevyn didn't feel like staying cooped up in their dorm room. They haven't gotten a chance to hang out much between classes, Sevyn spending time with Kairo and Sevyn working, it seemed like they rarely seen each other.

Sevyn and Diamond stepped off of the bus two blocks away from the club. I stopped while Diamond held on to my arm as she took her heels off and carried them, walking barefoot. Diamond hated heels. She only wore them out to clubs. "Girl you and these heels." I joked with Diamond as we began to walk again.

"Girl you know I hate these shits. I can barely walk in them. I don't see how you do it."

I laughed. "I don't see how I do it either girl. I just got used to them, I guess."

"Girl well help me get used to them."

We finally made our way to the club, standing in line, while the bouncer checked ids. We got to the front and showed our ids, he let us in. Cardi B blasted through the club speakers as they made their way to a table in the back of the club. "Girl imma go order us some drinks." I told Diamond as I walked off towards the bar. I told them that I wanted some champagne sent to my table. I paid for it and made my way back to the table that Diamond was at. I saw that Diamond was laughing with some girl that was now sitting with her. Sevyn made her way to the table and sat down beside Diamond.

"Hey Sevyn, this is my friend Shay. I have class with her. You mind if she chill with us tonight? She's here alone."

"Naw that's cool, hey girl." I greeted her. "You drink?" I asked.

"Hell yeah, let's party." Shay responded.


Shay sat at the bar, drinking her double shot of Hennessy when she saw a familiar face. She decided she would come out tonight. She had been coming to this club for months before she saw her ex, Omari here about a month ago. She couldn't lie, ever since she cheated on him with his bestfriend in high school, she thought about him everyday. Something told her to go apologize to him that night she saw him here and so she did but he was too busy focusing on some other girl. She couldn't lie, she was pretty and the jealousy in her sparked.

She watched the girl slip the bartender some money just as she noticed her friend, Diamond off to the side of the club. She walked over to her table, with her drink. She was here alone and needed some company anyways.

She watched as the same girl that she grew to despise walked over to the table, sitting down beside Diamond. I didn't even know they knew each other but she figured getting close to them would help get closer to Omari. Diamond introduced her friend. I now knew her name. Sevyn.

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