Jimin: see seems nice. I can't wait to meet him for parent teacher conferences next month. I'll get you caught up dear. You didn't miss much since the school year started two weeks ago.

Somi: okay.

Jimin went around to help out other students.

Yuna: you're his new favorite because your dad is hot.

Somi: how?

Yuna: Mr. Pretty is gay.

Somi: ooh.

Somi remembers her mother calling her dad that. She always thought it was a bad thing. Seeing Jimin, no way it is. He's too sweet. He looks like a priceless doll. All the students adore him and he makes them wanna come to school because he's so sweet. During lunch, Jimin played movie for them. They watched it as they ate. Jimin was on his phone. He had a boyfriend who honestly sucked. He would get upset whenever he went to work. He said that Jimin would leave him. Jimin said he mostly worked with women and the students are all babies basically. He also said that he would never leave him.

Jimin: so annoying...

Somi: what's wrong with Mr. Pretty?

Yuna: some kids say he has a bad boyfriend. Maybe your dad could be his new boyfriend.

Somi: maybe. My appa did tell me he liked boys too.

Jimin heard them. He often got shipped with his students dad because they somehow knew about his possessive boyfriend. It's probably because one day he came into the classroom drunk and threatened to hurt Jimin if he came into work again. Security got him out. That scared the kids because he was being rough with Jimin. Once Jimin saw him enter the classroom, Jimin made the kids hide in the closet. They all saw his boyfriend being aggressive. Once security got him off of Jimin, Jimin got up. He sighed. He let the students go back to their seats. He had to leave the classroom to cry. Another teacher looked at after the students until Jimin came back. That day still scares him. Every single day that door opens when he's teaching, he always looks up. Just to see a late student or a teacher coming in to dismiss a student or a teacher coming into give him something or make an announcement. Soon enough, the school bell rang. He went to the back of the classroom, everyone packed their stuff up. He dismissed every single student to outside. Somi was the last kid.

Jimin: does your dad work late?

Somi: yes.

Jimin: at least I'll get to meet him.

Somi: yeah!

Jimin smiled at her excitement. A black car pulled up. It was Jungkook. Somi held Jimin's hand. They went over to the car. Jungkook got out. He looked at Jimin. He couldn't get over his beautiful he is.

Jimin: hi Mr. Jeon. I'm Somi's homeroom teacher Mr. Park. She told me a lot about you.

Jungkook: hi.

Somi: appa! Mr. Pretty is single!

Jimin: ooh dear...

Jungkook: Somi...

Somi smiled. Jungkook picked her up.

Jungkook: it was nice to finally meet you.

Jimin: of course. Somi is a sweet girl. I'm glad she's in my class.

Jungkook: I'm glad she's behaving well.

Jimin: all my students are good.

Jungkook: that's good. You're very pretty.

Jimin blushed. Jungkook just realized what he said.

Jungkook: I'm so sorry!

Jimin giggled a little.

Mr. Pretty ♡jikook♡ 18+Where stories live. Discover now